
Making a fully functional skype clone in flutter.

MIT LicenseMIT

Skype Clone in

Making a Skype Clone in Flutter - In Progress

Checkout the course here : THE CS GUY


Project Structure

This project is going to be divided in several different branches. As I release a new video, the content related to that video will be committed to the branch with the same name as that of the video.

  1. MASTER - Code

  2. Firebase Integration - Video - Code

  3. Google Sign In - Video - Code

  4. Getting Started With UI - Video - Code

  5. Making Chat Screen - Video - Code

  6. Search Screen And Functionality - Video - Code

  7. Chat Screen UI - Video - Code

  8. Exchaning Messages - Video - Code

  9. Cleanup And Rearrangements - Video - Code

  10. Emojis in Flutter - Video - Code

  11. Exchanging Images - Video - Code

  12. End to End Video Calling - Video - Code

12.5. [BREAKING - CHANGES] - Video - Code

  1. Populating Chat List Screen - Video - Code