
Notes on 7 Databases in 7 Weeks Neo4J chapter.

7 Databases in 7 Weeks Neo4J Notes

As I go through the Neo4J chapter of Pragmatic Programmer's 7 Databases in 7 Weeks, I'm taking some notes to ensure that the book club members can all get set up and running effectively.

Notes on OS X setup for 7d7w Neo4J

Check Prerequisites
# Double check that your Java version is 7:
java -version
mvn -version

# Double check that homebrew is installed, up to date, and has no issues:
which brew
brew update
brew doctor
Install Neo4J 1.9.4 (not 2.0.x)

7d7w uses an older version of neo4j, which has the Gremlin console. Therefore, we'll need to install an older version using homebrew.

# See which versions of neo4j are in the homebrew history. We'll look for 1.9.4, which
# is the last version to support the Gremlin console.
cd $( brew --prefix )
brew versions neo4j

# Check out the 1.9.4 version of the of neo4j brew recipe and install neo4j
git checkout 8724154 Library/Formula/neo4j.rb
brew install neo4j

# Find the neo4j home directory and set NEO4J_HOME
brew info neo4j
export NEO4J_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/1.9.4

Known Issues

In the Gremlin DSL examples, you'll need to initialize the variable start, as reported in Pull Request #1 and #4:

The Freebase data for the chapter is no longer available as a simple TSV download. I.e. this returns a 404 error:

wget http://download.freebase.com/datadumps/latest/browse/film/performance.tsv

To work around this, first download an archived Freebase backup (unfortunately, from 2010):

wget https://archive.org/download/freebase-data-dump-2010-07-16/freebase-datadump-tsv.tar.bz2