
API client for the White House's We The People petition application

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


we_the_people is a gem to access the new We The People petitions API.


First, you'll need to configure your API key:

WeThePeople.api_key = "1234abcd"

Now you're ready to start asking for resources. Here are a few example calls:

>> petition = WeThePeople::Resources::Petition.find("1234")
>> petition.body
# => "Example body"
>> petition.title
# => "My Example Petition"
>> petition.issues.first.name
# => "Civil Rights"

>> petitions = WeThePeople::Resources::Petition.all
>> petition2 = petitions.first
# Not yet implemented in the API (signatures)...
>> petition2.signatures.all.first.city
# => "Orlando"


You can configure a few options on the WeThePeople module:

  • api_key - Required to make any calls; your We The People API key.
  • default_page_size - The page size to request by default for all resources.
  • client - If you don't want to use rest-client you can substitute in another HTTP client object that conforms to the same API here.
  • mock - If set to "1", all requests will return mock results.


Hack some code, make a pull request. I'll review it and merge it in! Need some ideas as to where to get started? Here are a few:

  • Tests. Please?
  • Make resources be able to be related + associated. It looks like responses may end up going this route.
  • Documentationages.