- 2
- 1
Add support for markdown formating to `makeOxygen()` with `roxygen2md::markdownify()`
#78 opened by elipousson - 3
- 7
How to auto populate Title and Description fields
#70 opened by vertesy - 0
pretty_rmd overwrites all lines of chunk with first line in Rmd with single chunk
#68 opened by yogat3ch - 9
If similarly named functions are found in >1 namespaces supplied by `force`, the namespaces are concatenated in the output
#62 opened by yogat3ch - 9
Implementation Suggestion: packages mentioned in document take precedence over packages in user library
#61 opened by yogat3ch - 9
`one will omit a namespace`
#55 opened by yogat3ch - 0
- 2
- 1
Error in parse(text = txt, keep.source = TRUE) - double escape \\ in YAML throws error
#54 opened by yogat3ch - 14
#36 opened by januz - 1
- 1
use new version of "R Packages" in article
#50 opened by espinielli - 0
add none as option to pretty_namespace asks
#41 opened by yonicd - 2
[Docs] Cannot build pkgdown site
#44 opened by Blackglade - 14
- 3
- 5
- 3
moga overwrite existing documentation
#39 opened by dpprdan - 3
#17 opened by daniel258 - 1
- 5
- 1
- 3
pretty_namespace corrupting text
#20 opened by dpastoor - 4
makeOxygen error
#19 opened by talgalili - 1
- 1
- 14
Broken interactive add-in
#14 opened by grishin1 - 5
- 21
modify the default fields used in makeOxygen
#9 opened by lbusett - 5
- 2
Problem on @export field in uinteractive addin
#12 opened by lbusett - 2
- 7
Add to makeOxygen @rdname fun_name
#4 opened by talgalili - 1
- 3