
DotNet.CacheProvider is a helper to implement cache with Redis DB / Memory-Cache - configure by web.config
CacheProvider also provide a ActionFilterAttribute for MVC / WebApi actions, to store the response in the cache, and can be on GET / POST actions

You can add this attribute to use cache to your action:


The parameters are:

  1. Cache class name
  2. Vary by query params, separated by ;, and can be * for any
  3. Vary by POST params

In DotNet.CacheProvider you can also use Cache for your own needs. To use CacheService you need to implement these rows:

ICacheService cacheService;
cacheService = cacheService.Resolve();

Cache Service have these functions:

T Get<T>(string key);
void Set<T>(string key, T data, int cacheTime);
bool IsSet(string key);
void Remove(string key);
void RemoveByPattern(string pattern);
void Clear();

In your web.config, you need to add this section in configSections creteria:

<section name="CacheSettings" type="CacheProvider.ConfigSections.CacheSettings" />

Then, add these lines under configuration:

<CacheSettings useRedis="true" redisConnectionUrl="localhost:6379">
      <!---Add your cache classes here. 
      each class must have name as a uniqe value, and duration in seconds.-->
      <add name="Class1" duration="600" />
      <add name="Class2" duration="300" />

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