Demo Link

Pitch Deck

DID YOU EAT allows customers to collect unique, one-of-a-kind soul bound tokens from the restaurants they visit. These SBTs serve as a digital keepsake, capturing the memories and experiences of each dining adventure. It’s a win-win: customers collect memories, while the owners get valuable insights such as gender, age, and menu preferences that can help them boost up their marketing.

How to:

  1. Sign up / Sign in as an Admin in the admin page. (scroll to the bottom of the landing page!)
  2. Mint SBT by filling out a form. (receive faucet from the test net for gas fee)
  3. Display the QR code provided in the Admin collection page.
  4. with your mobile phone, scan the QR code.
  5. Log in by either Google auth or connecting your wallet.
  6. Receive the SBT and check it out in the collection page. (receive faucet for gas fee)

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