The Assert Terraform provider is intended for use when writing Terraform tests. It serves as a way to verify that the values in your Terraform configuration meet specific criteria. The provider only contains functions to assert values, and does not manage any resources.
To use provider functions, declare the provider as a required provider in your Terraform configuration:
terraform {
required_providers {
assert = {
source = "bschaatsbergen/assert"
Simplify continuous validation checks that run as part of your Terraform workflow:
data "http" "terraform_io" {
url = ""
check "health_check" {
assert {
condition = provider::assert::http_success(data.http.terraform_io.status_code)
error_message = "${data.http.terraform_io.url} returned an unhealthy status code"
Test assertions in your Terraform configuration should be simple and easy to read:
run "ebs_volume_size" {
command = plan
assert {
condition = provider::assert::between(1, 100, aws_ebs_volume.example.size)
error_message = "EBS volume size must be between 1 and 100 GiB"
Write simple validation rules for your Terraform variables:
variable "ebs_volume_size" {
type = number
validation {
condition = provider::assert::between(1, 100, var.ebs_volume_size)
error_message = "EBS volume size must be between 1 and 100 GiB"