This repository contains the code for the paper "Unsupervised Representation Learning via Neural Activation Coding" published on ICML 2021.
First install PyTorch. The code is tested on PyTorch 1.7.1.
Then run
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train a ResNet-50 model on CIFAR-10
python --objective=nac --optimizer=lars --lr=3.0 --lr_warmup=10 batch_size=1000 epochs=1000 --weight_decay=1e-6 --flip=0.1
We used 4 TITAN RTX GPUs in our experiments.
To train a VGG-16 model on the subset of CIFAR-10
python --objective=nac --optimizer=lars --lr=3.0 --lr_warmup=100 batch_size=1000 epochs=2000 --weight_decay=1e-6 --flip=0.4
This repository is based on the SimCLR implementation of leftthomas