This is a sample web application for webOS. You can learn about how to use websocket in web application and how to use lunaservice api for web application.
This sample is not incluing websocket server. If you want to run this sample application completely, you must have or know an websocket serverenvironment.
You have to install CLI and set environment before packaging, installing and launching.
You have to modify websocket server's URI on websocket.js before packaging your application.
You can make a package this application using CLI commend
websocket_sample$ ares-package .
You can install application package to webOS. The target is a name of device.
websocket_sample$ ares-install -d target com.sample.websocket_1.0.0_all.ipk
You can run the application remotely.
websocket_sample$ ares-launch -d target com.sample.websocket