
Docker image with MySQL, Informix and Oracle DBMS support.

Primary LanguageHTML

This is a docker services configuration that runs two containers :

  • A PHP container holding a LAMP environment AND which is able to manage Oracle and Informix remote DBMS.
  • A MySQL database container with persisted data.

Container 1 : PHP-APP

This container represents a basic LAMP environment that has PDO Informix and PDO OCI enabled.

Configuration :

  • PHP : 7.2
  • Apache : 2.4.25
  • PDO : oci, informix, mysql

Container 2 : MYSQL-DB

This container is based on the official MySQL image, it will obviously creates a database container running MySQL 5.7.


All you have to do is running the docker compose file !

docker-compose up -d --build

This will take a couple of minutes to build the images and run containers ! You need to have port 80 and 3306 not occupied, otherwise you have to change the default ports that docker exposes for both containers (see docker-compose.yml).

You have to edit the "php-app/index.php" file and replace the default DBMS access crediantials with yours.

You can then view the index.php file through "http://localhost" to test your connections.