This is the stable branch

This git repo hosts various software RPM packaging source(s):



See git commits.

burp2 packaging status

At this time of writing (2017-03), burp 2.x is not packaged neither in EPEL nor through Fedora project. So this repo. Last known status among distributions:

  • el5, el6, el7 : building/packaging is fine
  • fedora 22, 23, 24 and fedora-rawhide: building/packaging is fine
  • XXX COPR building for arch ARM is unusable, too much wait (2016-02)

NB: elx = RHELx and derivatives (CentOS, ScientificLinux, etc)

burp 1.x packaging status

version: 1.4.40 (2016-03)

  • EPEL channel provides binary package of burp 1.x for el6 and el7, but NOT for el5.

  • FedoraProject provides burp 1.x packaging for Fedora 22, Fedora 23, and Fedora-rawhide

  • el5 (RHEL5, CentOS 5): not provided by EPEL repository for burp 1.x
    use el5/ content to build burp. Needs the yajl-devel package, which packaging is also provided.

Howto to build RPMs from this git repo

If you don't want to use the binary packages from the COPR space listed above, here instructions to build RPM packages yourself.

  • branch latest : last burp2 version that is not the stable one,
  • branch stable : the burp1 and burp2 version that is declared as stable,

Getting tired of tito stuff, I use a more conventional file structure:

<pkg>/SPECS/ ......... contains the Specfile of package <pkg>
<pkg>/SOURCES/ ....... contains all needed source files

Specific packaging for el5 are stored within `el5/' subfolder.


  • install and enable use of the EPEL repo on your building system,

  • launch the build of a (binary) package:

    cd <pkg>
    mkdir -p RPMS BUILD SRPMS
    rpmbuild --define="_topdir $(pwd)" -bb SPECS/<pkg>.spec
  • build a SRPM source package into <pkg>/SPRMS/ folder:

    cd <pkg>
    mkdir -p SRPMS
    rpmbuild --define="_topdir $(pwd)" -bs SPECS/<pkg>.spec

To request a build with COPR infrastructure, choose to generate from a SRPM file that you upload.