
Notifier for Mercurial repositories

Primary LanguageShell


hg-dude is a simple Mercurial desktop notifier. It monitors hg repositories in current directory for new commits/branches/tags and shows desktop notification if anything new arrived.

How it works

It simply uses hg incoming and parses its output to see what has changed. Then it shows desktop notification with notify-send / kdialog (Linux) or growlnotify (OSX). All of this in infinite loop.

How does it look


hg-dude with notify-send


On Linux:

  • notify-send on Gnome (Fedora: libnotify package, Ubuntu: libnotify-bin package)
  • kdialog on KDE (included in KDE)


  • growlnotify, from Growl Extras (Homebrew: growlnotify package)


$ curl -skL https://github.com/erjiang/hg-dude/raw/master/hg-dude >~/bin/hg-dude
$ chmod +x ~/bin/hg-dude

* Make sure ~/bin is in your $PATH or put hg-dude script somewhere else on your $PATH.


hg-dude iterates over repositories that live inside the dude directory. This directory is nothing more than container for cloned repositories of projects you want to watch. Name it like you want, here for example we use ~/.hg-dude:

$ mkdir ~/.hg-dude
$ cd ~/.hg-dude

Clone some repositories:

$ hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy
$ hg clone ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/jespern/django-piston

Symlinked repositories work too. This way you can monitor already cloned projects:

$ ln -s ~/code/tmuxinator .

Now run this to monitor pwd:

$ hg-dude

You can also pass directory name as first argument to specify which directory to monitor instead of pwd.

$ hg-dude ~/watched-repos

This way you can have multiple dude directories each being monitored by separate hg-dude process.



Set how often hg-dude should check for changes (in seconds, default: 60):

$ export HG_DUDE_INTERVAL=30

Set path to icon used by desktop notifications (default: none):

$ export HG_DUDE_ICON=~/my_icon.png


Eric Jiang (http://ericjiang.com/ @ericrjiang)

Based on git-dude by Marcin Kulik (http://ku1ik.com/ | @sickill)