
C12Adpater Open Source

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This work is an open source version of a set of libraries developed at Elster Solutions. Published under permission under The MIT License, see LICENSE.txt for details.

Use build.bat or build.sh to compile the libraries and the examples. To cross-compile, depending on your environment, specify cmake toolchain such as:

cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../src/MeteringSDK/CMake/Toolchains/arm-linux-moxa.cmake
cmake --build . --config Debug

You might have to edit toolchain file or create your own per your cross compiling environment.

API Reference: https://ElsterSolutionsOpensource.github.io/C12Adapter

To generate API reference install doxygen and say from the top level directory of the project: doxygen Doxyfile

Build with Docker

make docker-build