
proxmox post installation scripts

Primary LanguageShell

xshok-proxmox :: eXtremeSHOK.com Proxmox (pve)

Optimization / Post Install Script (install-post.sh aka postinstall.sh) run once

not required if server setup with install-hetzner.sh

  • 'reboot-quick' command which uses kexec to boot the latest kernel set in the boot loader
  • Force APT to use IPv4
  • Disable the enterprise repo, enable the public repo, Add non-free sources
  • Fixes known bugs (public key missing, max user watches, etc)
  • Update the system
  • Install ceph, ksmtuned, openvswitch-switch, zfsutils and common system utilities
  • Increase vzdump backup speed, enable pigz and fix ionice
  • Increase max Key limits, max user watches, max File Discriptor Limits, ulimits
  • Detect AMD EPYC CPU and install kernel 4.15
  • Detect AMD EPYC CPU and Apply EPYC fixes to kernel and KVM
  • Install and configure ZFS-auto-snapshots (12x5min, 7daily, 4weekly, 3monthly)
  • Disable portmapper / rpcbind (security)
  • set-timezone UTC and enable timesyncd as nntp client
  • Set pigz to replace gzip, 2x faster gzip compression
  • Detect OVH Server and install OVH RTM (real time monitoring)"
  • Protect the webinterface with fail2ban (security)
  • Optimize ZFS arc size depending on installed memory, Use 1/16 RAM for MAX cache, 1/8 RAM for MIN cache, or 1GB
  • ZFS Tuning, set prefetch method and max write speed to l2arc
  • Enable TCP BBR congestion control, improves overall network throughput


return value is 0

Or run install-post.sh after installation

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/install-post.sh -c -O install-post.sh && bash install-post.sh && rm install-post.sh

Install Proxmox Recommendations

Recommeneded partitioning scheme:

  • Raid 1 (mirror) 40 000MB ext4 /
  • Raid 1 (mirror) 30 000MB ext4 /xshok/zfs-cache only create if an ssd and there is 1+ unused hdd which will be made into a zfspool
  • Raid 1 (mirror) 5 000MB ext4 /xshok/zfs-slog only create if an ssd and there is 1+ unused hdd which will be made into a zfspool
  • SWAP
    • HDD less than 130gb = 16GB swap
    • HDD more than 130GB and RAM less than 64GB = 32GB swap
    • HDD more than 130GB and RAM more than 64GB = 64GB swap
  • Remaining for lv xfs /var/lib/vz (LVM)

Hetzner Proxmox Installation Guide

includes and runs the (install-post.sh) script

  • Select the Rescue tab for the specific server, via the hetzner robot manager
    • Operating system=Linux
    • Architecture=64 bit
    • Public key=optional
  • --> Activate rescue system
  • Select the Reset tab for the specific server,
  • Check: Execute an automatic hardware reset
  • --> Send
  • Wait a few mins
  • Connect via ssh/terminal to the rescue system running on your server and run the following
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/install-hetzner.sh -c -O install-hetzner.sh && chmod +x install-hetzner.sh
  • Reboot
  • Connect via ssh/terminal to the new Proxmox system running on your server and run the following


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/lvm-2-zfs.sh -c -O lvm-2-zfs.sh  && chmod +x lvm-2-zfs.sh
 ./lvm-2-zfs.sh && rm lvm-2-zfs.sh
  • Reboot
  • Connect via ssh/terminal to the new Proxmox system running on your server and run the following

NETWORKING (vmbr0 vmbr1)

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/network-configure.sh -c -O network-configure.sh && chmod +x network-configure.sh
./network-configure.sh && rm network-configure.sh
  • Reboot
  • Post Install: Now login via ssh as root and create a password, which will be used for the webinterface when logging in with pam authentication

OVH Proxmox Installation Guide

Select install for the specific server, via the ovh manager

  • --INSTALL-->
  • Install from an OVH template
  • --NEXT-->
  • Type of OS: Ready-to-go (graphical user interface)
  • VPS Proxmox VE (pick the latest non zfs version)
  • Language: EN
  • Target disk arrray: (always select the SSD array if you have ssd and hdd arrays)
  • Enable/Tick: Customise the partition configuration
  • --NEXT-->
  • Disks used for this installation: (All of them)
  • (Remove all the partitions and do the following)
  • Type: Filesystem: Mount Point: LVM Name: RAID: Size:
    • 1 primary Ext4 / - 1 20.0 GB
    • 2 primary Swap swap - - 2 x 8.0 GB (minimum 16GB total, set recommended swap size)
    • 3 LV xfs /var/lib/vz data 1 REMAINING GB (use all the remaining space)
  • --NEXT-->
  • Hostname: server.fqdn.com
  • Installation script (URL): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/install-post.sh
  • Script return value: 0
  • SSH keys: (always suggested, however if this value is used a webinterface login will not work without setting a root password in shell)
  • --CONFIRM--> After installation, Connect via ssh/terminal to the new Proxmox system running on your server and run the following


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/lvm-2-zfs.sh -c -O lvm-2-zfs.sh  && chmod +x lvm-2-zfs.sh
 ./lvm-2-zfs.sh && rm lvm-2-zfs.sh
  • Reboot
  • Connect via ssh/terminal to the new Proxmox system running on your server and run the following

NETWORKING (vmbr0 vmbr1)

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/network-configure.sh -c -O network-configure.sh && chmod +x network-configure.sh
./network-configure.sh && rm network-configure.sh
  • Reboot
  • Post Install: Now login via ssh as root and create a password, which will be used for the webinterface when logging in with pam authentication

Advance Installation Options

Assumptions: Proxmox installed, SSD raid1 partitions mounted as /xshok/zfs-slog and /xshok/zfs-cache, 1+ unused hdd which will be made into a zfspool

  • Connect via ssh/terminal to the new Proxmox system running on your server and run the follow

Create ZFS from unused devices (createzfs.sh)


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/createzfs.sh -c -O createzfs.sh && chmod +x createzfs.sh
./createzfs.sh poolname /dev/device1 /dev/device2

Create ZFS cache and slog from /xshok/zfs-cache and /xshok/zfs-slog partitions and adds them to a zpool (xshok_slog_cache-2-zfs.sh) optional


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/xshok_slog_cache-2-zfs.sh -c -O xshok_slog_cache-2-zfs.sh && chmod +x xshok_slog_cache-2-zfs.sh
./xshok_slog_cache-2-zfs.sh poolname
  • Reboot

------- SCRIPTS ------

Convert from Debian 9 to Proxmox 5 (debian9-2-proxmox5.sh) optional

Assumptions: Debian9 installed with a valid FQDN hostname set

  • Tested on KVM, VirtualBox and Dedicated Server
  • Will automatically detect cloud-init and disable.
  • Will automatically generate a correct /etc/hosts
  • Note: will automatically run the install-post.sh script
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/debian9-2-proxmox5.sh && chmod +x debian9-2-proxmox5.sh

Enable Docker support for an LXC container (pve-enable-lxc-docker.sh) optional

There can be security implications as the LXC container is running in a higher privileged mode.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/pve-enable-lxc-docker.sh --output /usr/sbin/pve-enable-lxc-docker && chmod +x /usr/sbin/pve-enable-lxc-docker
pve-enable-lxc-docker container_id

Convert from LVM to ZFS (lvm-2-zfs.sh) run once

Converts the a MDADM BASED LVM into a ZFS raid 1 (mirror)

  • Defaults to mount point: /var/lib/vz
  • Optional: specify the LVM_MOUNT_POINT ( ./lvm-2-zfs.sh LVM_MOUNT_POINT )
  • Creates the following storage/rpools
  • zfsbackup (rpool/backup)
  • zfsvmdata (rpool/vmdata)
  • /var/lib/vz/tmp_backup (rpool/tmp_backup)
  • Will automatically detect the required raid level and optimise.
  • 1 Drive = zfs
  • 2 Drives = mirror
  • 3-5 Drives = raidz-1
  • 6-11 Drives = raidz-2
  • 11+ Drives = raidz-3


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/lvm-2-zfs.sh -c -O lvm-2-zfs.sh && chmod +x lvm-2-zfs.sh

Create ZFS from devices (createzfs.sh) optional

Creates a zfs pool from specified devices

  • Will automatically detect the required raid level and optimise
  • 1 Drive = zfs (single)
  • 2 Drives = mirror (raid1)
  • 3-5 Drives = raidz-1 (raid5)
  • 6-11 Drives = raidz-2 (raid6)
  • 11+ Drives = raidz-3 (raid7)


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/createzfs.sh -c -O createzfs.sh && chmod +x createzfs.sh
./createzfs.sh poolname /dev/device1 /dev/device2

Create ZFS cache and slog from /xshok/zfs-cache and /xshok/zfs-slog partitions and adds them to a zpool (xshok_slog_cache-2-zfs.sh) optional

Creates a zfs pool from specified devices

  • Will automatically mirror the slog and stripe the cache if there are multiple drives


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/xshok_slog_cache-2-zfs.sh -c -O xshok_slog_cache-2-zfs.sh && chmod +x xshok_slog_cache-2-zfs.sh
./xshok_slog_cache-2-zfs.sh poolname

CREATES A ROUTED vmbr0 AND NAT vmbr1 NETWORK CONFIGURATION FOR PROXMOX (network-configure.sh) run once

Autodetects the correct settings (interface, gatewat, netmask, etc) Supports IPv4 and IPv6, Private Network uses Also installs and properly configures the isc-dhcp-server to allow for DHCP on the vmbr1 (NAT) ROUTED (vmbr0): All traffic is routed via the main IP address and uses the MAC address of the physical interface. VM's can have multiple IP addresses and they do NOT require a MAC to be set for the IP via service provider

NAT (vmbr1): Allows a VM to have internet connectivity without requiring its own IP address Assignes - via DHCP

Public IP's can be assigned via DHCP, adding a host define to the /etc/dhcp/hosts.public file

Tested on OVH and Hetzner based servers

ALSO CREATES A NAT Private Network as vmbr1

NOTE: WILL OVERWRITE /etc/network/interfaces A backup will be created as /etc/network/interfaces.timestamp

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/network-configure.sh -c -O network-configure.sh && chmod +x network-configure.sh
./network-configure.sh && rm network-configure.sh

Creates default routes to allow for extra ip ranges to be used (network-addiprange.sh) optional

If no interface is specified the default gateway interface will be detected and used.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/network-addiprange.sh -c -O network-addiprange.sh && chmod +x network-addiprange.sh
./network-addiprange.sh ip.xx.xx.xx/cidr interface_optional

Create Private mesh vpn/network (tincvpn.sh)

tinc private mesh vpn/network which supports multicast, ideal for private cluster communication

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/xshok-proxmox/master/tincvpn.sh -c -O tincvpn.sh && chmod +x tincvpn.sh
./tincvpn.sh -h

Example for 3 node Cluster

cat /etc/hosts

global ips for tinc servers host1 host2 host3

First Host (hostname: host1)

bash tincvpn.sh -i 1 -c host2

Second Host (hostname: host2)

bash tincvpn.sh -i 2 -c host3

Third Host (hostname: host3)

bash tincvpn.sh -i 3 -c host1


Alpine Linux KVM / Qemu Agent Client Fix

Run the following on the guest alpine linux

apk update && apk add qemu-guest-agent acpi
echo 'GA_PATH="/dev/vport2p1"' >> /etc/conf.d/qemu-guest-agent
rc-update add qemu-guest-agent default
rc-update add acpid default
/etc/init.d/qemu-guest-agent restart

Proxmox ACME / Letsencrypt

Run the following on the proxmox server, ensure you have a valid DNS for the server which resolves

pvenode acme account register default mail@example.invalid
pvenode config set --acme domains=example.invalid
pvenode acme cert order

ZFS Snapshot Usage

# list all snapshots
zfs list -t snapshot
# create a pre-rollback snapshot
zfs-auto-snapshot --verbose --label=prerollback -r //
# rollback to a specific snapshot
zfs rollback <snapshotname>