
A experimental NodeJS utility application that investigates given Nginx access log files capturing red-flags for you and update your Cloudflare firewall ip blacklist with the captured red-flagged IP Addresses.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is an experimental NodeJS utility that parses Nginx access logs, capturing any red-flags, and updates a CloudFlare blacklist using axios.


  • Latest NodeJS
  • Latest Axios
  • Cloudflare Account


Clone repo

git clone github.com/yordadev/YorBlacklister
cd YorBlacklister

Run npm install.

npm install

Create Config.js

cp lib/Example.Config.js lib/Config.js

Retrieve CloudFlare API key and list IDs

  • Retrieve your CloudFlare key here

  • Get your CloudFlare account and list ID's; if you cannot find them, you will need to consume the methods included in the CloudFlare class to get them.

Modify lib/Config.js

class Config {
    constructor() {
        this.codes = ["301", "400", "404"]; // Set whatever codes you want to watch for being excessively hit
        this.file_path = "../logs/access.log"; // See the next step 
        this.email = ""; // CloudFlare email
        this.key = "";   // CloudFlare key
        this.account_id = ""; // CloudFlare account_id
        this.list_id = ""; // CloudFlare list id for your blacklist
        this.limit = 4; // red-flag if IP occurrences on 301 code over limit

Retrieve Nginx logs from server

  • Copy your access logs into the ./logs folder.
mkdir logs
scp -r user@your.server.example.com:/var/log/nginx logs

Redflag Demo Screenshot

redflag demo screenshot