
Yorviewer is a simple view bot that utilizes proxies and incognito.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Yorviewer is a view bot that utilizes proxies and incognito. This was a simple experiment to see how certain websites deal with bot traffic. The bot utilizes puppeteer to open a randomly sized window and then scroll at a randomly selected pace to the bottom of the page, then close the incognito.

Disclaimer: Check ToS of the website before running bot, this was made for educational purposes only.


Fill in the proxies array. If you do not have any proxy servers, you can find free ones here.


If a proxy stops working, the try catch will console.log the bad proxy for you to remove from your array.

node app.js [link] [number of individual \"users\"]


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.