
My personal collection of LaTeX Templates

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

This is a my perosnal collection of LaTeX tempates that I use for writing alsmost all my documents. So far it includes two files: one for single-lingual purposes (std_artcl) and one for multi-lingual purposes (multi_std_artcl).

Common Packages and Configuration

This list includes packages that are pre-loaded in every template:

  • mathtools, amssymb and amsthm
  • enumitem
  • biblatex
  • xpatch
  • abstract
  • xcolor
  • declaring min/max math operators
  • redefining eqref command and the abstract and title environments
  • creating lemma, proposition and definition environments
  • coloring citations

Template-related Packages

  • the std_artcl template should be compliled with the pdflatex engine, whereas the multi_std_artcl requires the lualatex engine
  • std_artcl loads babel, inpuntenc (with utf8 option) and fontenc (with T1 option), whereas multi_std_artcl loads polyglossia and unicode-math
  • std_artcl uses the STIX 2 font (by loading the stix2 package), whereas multi_std_artcl uses GFS Neohellenic font for both text and math