
:whale: Git box with Docker and Gitlab community edition :package:

MIT LicenseMIT


Runs a suite of services for a full-fledged GIT using Compose. Uses a bunch of a community-built Docker images.


Getting started

Prerequisite and dependencies

Install all dependencies list below on the server:

Clone the repository

Clone the repository on the server in the home directory.

Change permissions

Change permissions of all service directories to add the group docker:

chown <user_name>:docker gitlab

Edit the .env file

By default .env file is not versioned, run the following command to duplicate .env.dist and fill the file:

cp .env.dist .env

Update corresponding variables:

  • RESTART_MODE - Docker restart mode
  • TIME_ZONE - Time zone of containers
  • HOST_NAME - Domain attach to the server

Like the following example:


Start the Docker Compose 🚀

Simply start all the services with the commands below, which uses the docker-compose.yml file by default.

# -d option let you run containers in the background
docker-compose up -d

Licence 🤞

git-box is licensed under the MIT License.

Created with ♥ by @yoriiis.