Book collection manager

Build a single-page web application with a React/Redux front-end that communicates with a Ruby/Rails back-end backed by postgres to manage a book collection.

Create a private github repo and add sufyanadam as a collaborator. Please keep all commit history and don't squash any commits. If there is a commit you would typically squash out, just mention it in the commit message: 'I would generally squash a commit like this' But otherwise keep your git history and for more meaningful commits a good commit message.

Deploy a working version of your application wherever you like and share a link with us so we can see it running.


The root page should be the book collection index page with links to add a book, show a book, update a book and delete a book.

Index page

When the title of a book is clicked, the app should navigate to the show page for the book.

When the 'Add' link for a book is clicked, the app should navigate to the 'Add a book' page.

When the 'Edit' link for a book is clicked, the app should navigate to a page with a form that allows editing of all fields. The same validations as create should apply here as well.

When the 'Delete' link for a book is clicked, a success message should be displayed after a successful response from the server for a few seconds.

Add a book page

Allow user to create a book with at least the following 3 fields:

  • *ISBN
  • *Title
  • Notes

Required fields are marked with '*'. You may add more input fields if you wish.

After filling in all fields, clicking a submit button should create the book in the collection and redirect back to the index page, with the newly added book in the list.

The API request to the backend should not fire if any required fields are not filled in. An appropriate error message should be displayed if the user tries to submit with a missing field (do not use html5 required field validation, write your own).

A cancel button should allow the user to go back to the index page.

Show page

Display all the book information.

Add links to navigate back to the index page, and to edit or delete the book.

When edit button is clicked, navigate to the edit page with the book data pre-populated in the form.

When delete button is clicked, delete the book from the API and navigate back to the index page on successful response, the deleted book should no longer appear in the index page. On failed API response, display an error message that disappears after a few seconds with the API error.

Edit page

Display all book information in pre-populated editable input fields.

Changing a field and clicking the submit button should send an API request to the back end and redirect back to the index page on successful request. An API request should not be made if there are no changes or any required fields are missing. Display an appropriate error message in either case after the submit button is clicked.