
Raft distributed consensus algorithm implementation & CLI visualization.

Primary LanguageRust

Raft Implementation & CLI Visualization in Rust


  1. Contents
  2. How does it work?
  3. How do I use it?
  4. Fun scenarios to play out?
  5. How is it implemented?
  6. What's next?

This project implements the Raft distributed consensus algorithm. It emulates multiple state machines that communicate with each other via message-passing. The state machine is simply a number, starting with 0, which a client may subtract from or add to. The distributed system is guaranteed to achieve consensus on the current number despite node failures, network partitions, and unreliable message delivery.

How does it work?

The Raft distributed consensus algorithm was designed to achieve correctness in the simplest possible way. The algorithm makes the distributed system elect a leader node, which subsequently processes client requests. To become a leader, a node has to have more than half of the cluster vote for its candidacy. As soon as the leader appears to be failing, the distributed system elects another leader.

When processing a client request, the leader's responsibility is to have more than half of the cluster replicate the request. As soon as that's done, the leader marks the request as committed, at which point it can apply the change to its own state machine, and then tell the other nodes to apply the request to their state machines.

The algorithm is robust to network partitions, node outages, and message loss. Even if some nodes in the cluster are inaccessible or have temporarily arrived to a wrong state, the cluster as a whole always maintains the correctness of the state machine.

To fully understand the algorithm, you have to read the original paper by Diego Ongaro and John Ousterhout (2014): In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm. You can supplement your reading by looking at the Ongaro's PhD Thesis: Consensus: Bridging Theory and Practice.

How do I use it?

You can play with the implementation and visually see how the algorithm works right away in CLI.

First, fire up the replicas: cargo run --release -- --message-drop-percent-probability=0 --num-replicas=5. You will see that the replicas move between follower, candidate, and leader states, and process state changes in spite of system failures, thanks to the algorithm.

Issue commands by appending to the input.txt file in the project root. Every command must start at a new line. Command format is <replica_id>: <command><optional_modifier> //. The command is run as soon as the double slash is entered and saved at the end of the line.

Possible commands:

  • <replica_id>: Disconnect //, for example 2: Disconnect //.
  • <replica_id>: Connect //, for example 2: Connect //.
  • <replica_id>: Down //, for example 2: Down //.
  • <replica_id>: Up //, for example 2: Up //.
  • <leader_id>: Apply<signed_delta> //, for example 3: Apply+101 // or 4: Apply-11 //. Non-leaders will ignore this message. Note: you can send this message to a disconnected leader.

Command descriptions:

  • Disconnect disconnects a node from the cluster. The node preserves its full state, but fails to receive and send messages.
  • Connect connects a node back to the cluster. The node starts receiving and sending messages.
  • Down takes a node down. The node loses its volatile state and fails to receive and send messages.
  • Up brings a node up. If the node was down, it starts as a follower, which is the default node state. Otherwise it just carries on.
  • Apply<signed_delta> asks the leader to process a state change. Since the state in this implementation is simply a number, this command asks the cluster to increase or decrease that numeric value.

Sending control messages

Fun scenarios to play out?

The most fun and educative scenarios are of course those that try their hardest to bring the cluster to a halt. Here are some ideas to explore, assuming the number of replicas is five.

  1. Disconnect the cluster leader. The rest of the cluster will elect a new leader, but the disconnected node will still think of itself as of a leader. Apply different changes to both the actual leader and the confused disconnected node. You will see that when the disconnected node is connected back, it drops its changes and accepts the true changes the rest of the cluster has agreed upon.

  2. Disconnect a non-leader node. That node will start thinking that the leader went down, so it will propose its candidacy for leadership. Since no one can talk to the disconnected node, it will never be elected. See for yourself that the cluster can get far ahead in processing requests, but the disconnected candidate will catch up with the rest of the cluster when coming back.

  3. Take all nodes except a single leader and a follower down. Apply a few changes to the leader. You will see that the leader communicates the changes to the follower, but they never get committed and applied to the state machine because they are not replicated on more than half of the cluster. With these shared-but-not-committed changes in progress, take the leader down, leaving a single follower with some uncommitted changes running. Now bring some other nodes back up, and you will see that the cluster will successfully process the uncommitted changes as soon as at least 3 nodes are fully live.

To take it up a notch, combine the three previous scenarios, and see for yourself that the cluster keeps running just fine.

How is it implemented?

The project runs a single process with multiple threads to simulate replicas & their state machines running independently. The threads communicate with each other via crossbeam multiple-producer single-consumer channels. An additonal control thread periodically reads the input.txt file and issues control messages to the respective replica threads. The replicas continually report back to the control thread with status messages, which are then formatted and refreshed in the terminal.

The messages between nodes are dropped probabilistically, with the probability of message loss configured by the --message-drop-percent-probability flag.

The replicas all set random periodic timers and expect the leader to send heartbeat messages before the timer goes off. The variable timer value is necessary for the nodes to propose their candidacies with some intrinsic randomness in case of leader failure. This makes split votes less frequent and makes it easier for the system to run successful elections.

This implementation incorporates some optimizations proposed in the paper and the thesis. For example, each leader emits a no-op log entry (not shown in output) upon election to make other nodes catch up on backlog changes quicker.

What's next?

This is a solid demonstration of the algorithm. It can and should be covered with tests, refactored, and split into a reusable Rust package that's agnostic of the exact message passing protocols used.

As far as the demonstration goes, it should use a better interface for control message input than the append-to-a-file approach.