
Training with Product Digital Twins for AutoRetail Checkout

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Automated Retail Checkout


This repository includes data and related code for CVPR AI City Challenge 2023 Track 2. This code, inherited from VehicleX, is also part of the Paper 'Training with Product Digital Twins for AutoRetail Checkout'.

Related material: Paper, Data, Demo.

You may play with our Demo for a quick view of our data. This demo contains 3 objects out of 116.

Synthetic Training Data

Synthetic data is provided for model training. There are 116,500 synthetic images from 116 3D objects. Following the generation pipeline in [1], images are filmed with random attributes, i.e., random object orientation, camera pose, and lighting. Random background images, which are selected from Microsoft COCO, are used to increase the dataset diversity. The labeling format for synthetic data is “id_num.jpg”:

Taking “00001_697.jpg” for example:

00001 means the object class id is 00001.

697 is the counting number.

We also provide segmentation labels for these images. For example, “00001_697_seg.jpg” is the segmentation label for image “00001_697.jpg”. The white area denotes the area of the object while the black shows the background.

Engine for Generating Synthetic Data (Unity-python Interface)

We provide a Unity-Python Interface, which you may generate your own images from python code without modifying Unity Environment or C# programming. Please check ./Unity-python Interface for more details.

3D Models and Unity source

3D Models are released together with images. They are in ".obj" format and can be imported into different graphic engines. We also released entire Unity project. Please check ./3D Models and Unity Source for more details.


If you find this dataset useful for your research, please consider citing

  title={Training with Product Digital Twins for AutoRetail Checkout},
  author={Yao, Yue and Tian, Xinyu and Tang, Zheng and Biswas, Sujit and Lei, Huan and Gedeon, Tom and Zheng, Liang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.09708},
    author = {    
    Milind Naphade and Shuo Wang and David C. Anastasiu and Zheng Tang and Ming-Ching Chang and Yue Yao and Liang Zheng and Mohammed Shaiqur Rahman and Meenakshi S. Arya and Anuj Sharma and Qi Feng and Vitaly Ablavsky and Stan Sclaroff and Pranamesh Chakraborty and Sanjita Prajapati and Alice Li and Shangru Li and Krishna Kunadharaju and Shenxin Jiang and Rama Chellappa},
    title = {The 7th {AI City Challenge}},
    booktitle = {CVPRW},
    month = {June},
    year = {2023},
  title={Attribute Descent: Simulating Object-Centric Datasets on the Content Level and Beyond},
  author={Yao, Yue and Zheng, Liang and Yang, Xiaodong and Napthade, Milind and Gedeon, Tom},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.14034},