Podcast Migration

This repository contains scripts to automate the generation of summaries for posts and their updates to a WordPress website. Additionally, it includes WordPress-related files and themes for integration with the scripts.


1. Update WordPress Post Script (update_wordpress_post.py)

This script updates WordPress posts with summaries fetched from a JSON file.


  • json: for handling JSON data.
  • subprocess: for running shell commands.


  • Reads data from a JSON file containing post details.
  • Updates WordPress posts with corresponding summaries.
  • Handles special characters in summaries.
  • Allows skipping of posts with empty summaries.

2. Generate Summary Script (generate_summary.py)

This script generates summaries for posts using the OpenAI GPT model.


  • openpyxl: for working with Excel files.
  • requests: for making HTTP requests.
  • time: for adding delays.
  • logging: for logging messages.
  • json: for handling JSON data.


  • MAX_POSTS: Maximum number of posts to process.
  • MAX_INPUT_TOKENS: Maximum number of tokens for input data.
  • SLEEP_DURATION: Duration to wait between API requests.
  • OPENAI_API_KEY: Your OpenAI API key.
  • FILE_PATH: Path to the input Excel file.
  • NEW_FILE_PATH: Path to the output Excel file.


  • Reads data from an Excel file.
  • Generates summaries using the OpenAI GPT model.
  • Writes summaries to a new Excel file.
  • Supports different columns for data input.

3. Update WordPress Post Script 2 (update_wp_post.py)

This script updates WordPress posts with summaries fetched from a JSON file.


  • json: for handling JSON data.
  • subprocess: for running shell commands.


  • Prompts the user to enter the number of iterations.
  • Updates WordPress posts with corresponding summaries.
  • Handles special characters in summaries.
  • Allows skipping of posts with empty summaries.


To use these scripts, follow the run each python or shell file with their dependencies. Ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed and configured correctly.