
Authors: Troy Hancock

A C++ Unreal Engine 3rd person party based puzzle game. Designed to further practice and implement data structures and class inheritence a long with componenent implementation, delegate functions, player controller and pawn functions, and further understanding of the relationship between FVectors and FRotators.


  1. C++
  2. UE4
  3. Assets from Free3d.com
  4. Mixamo.com for rigging 3d models

Classes of relevance

  1. MyGameInstance.cpp
  2. CharacterState.cpp
  3. MainCharacter.cpp
  4. YortCharacter.cpp
  5. HaydenCharacter.cpp
  6. VashCharacter.cpp
  7. JeffCharacter.cpp
  8. MyGameMode.cpp
  9. FCharInfo.cpp
  10. CharacterStats.cpp