
Code to extract all the information from the imessage DB in your mac and then explore the data

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Extract your Mac iMessage database for easy data analysis


Welcome. Over the past years I've been writing and editing the code to access, extract and transform the data in your Mac's iMessage database in order to create a dataframe that you can use to perform all sorts of fun data analysis.



DataFrame Columns and Descriptions

Starting from the end, here's the dataframe that this code produces with your messages.

Column Name Type Description
message_id integer Unique ID for this message
is_from_me integer Take values of 0 or 1. Indicates whether the message was sent from you (1) or not (0).
text_combined string The most complete data I could find for the text of the message. If text (see below) is NULL then this takes the value of inferred_text, otherwise text. This is because text is the field from Apple but it can be NULL often, in which case I resort to hacky methods to infer the text.
text string The text of the message, native from Apple.
inferred_text string If the text value above is NULL, I try and infer the text from the field called attributedBody which can be found in the messages database. This process is not perfect, and currently works only for English.
handle_id integer A unique ID for the person that sent the message.
contact_info string The contact information of the person sending the message. It can be either a phone number of an email
chat_id integer A Unique ID representing the chat that the message was sent in.
chat_members_contact_info string String representing a list of contact information, e.g. "['+123556632','example@email.com']". You can convert this string to a list of strings by running ast.literal_eval(x)
chat_members_handles string Similar to the column above chat_members_contact_info this column stores a list with the handle_id of every participant in the chat in which this message was sent. You can convert this string into a list of handles by running ast.literal_eval(x)
chat_size integer Number of participants in this chat, NOT counting yourself.
is_audio_message integer 1 indicates that the message is an audio message, 0 not.
message_effect_type string The effect that the message was sent with, or 'no-effect' if there is none. Possible values: impact, gentle, Echo, HappyBirthday, loud, Fireworks, Lasers, invisibleink, Confetti, Heart, Spotlight, Sparkles, ShootingStar
message_reaction_type string The type of reaction that this message is, or 'no-reaction' if it is not a reaction. Possible values: Disliked, Emphasized, Laughed, Liked, Loved, Questioned, Removed dislike, Removed emphasis, Removed heart, Removed laugh, Removed like, Removed question mark
is_thread_reply integer Indicates whether this message was a reply to a specific message (i.e,, a thread) or not. 1 if it is a thread reply, 0 if it is not.
link_domain string The domain of the link, if the message is a link. Otherwise 'no-link'
updated_contact_info Placeholder Placeholder description for updated_contact_info column.
name string The human-readable name of the sender of the message. This is equivalent to saving a contact for a number and displayin the name instead of the contact information.
timestamp string The timestamp when the message was sent. When storing the dataframe in CSV and loading again the type resets to string. Convert to timestamp with pd.Timestamp(x). Example value: '2024-04-26 14:35:03'
date string Similar to the timestamp above but just the date. Convert to datetime by df_messages['timestamp'].apply(lambda x: x.date()). Example value: '2024-04-26'
month integer The month, as extracted from the date field. Values go from 1 (January) to 12 (December)
year integer The year, as extracted from the date field.

Getting Started

You need a Mac for this process.

You need familiarity with Python and jupyter notebooks to use this code. In the future I might package the whole ETL notebook into a script you can run, but that's not a big priority right now.

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone to your local machine
  3. Open jupyter notebook, load and run the notebooks.

The repo has two notebooks. One is the ETL notebook that you need to run once in order to extract, transform and save a clean, data-analysis-friendly dataframe. The other is a notebook with some analysis ideas and code.


You can read the first blog post I wrote that explains that fundamentals of the code here. Even though the code itself has since been updated, the base code and process is the same.

You can also read about some fun analysis you can do once you have the clean dataframe here

How Apple stores your messages database

The main data entities we're working with here is the messages, the chats and the contact information.

messages: table that has information about each unique message sent or received. The information includes the text (see below for more on this), time and whether the message was sent or received.

chat_message_joins: table that maps each unique message_id to a unique chat_id.

chat_handles_join: tables that maps each unique chat_id to the list of handle_ids that participate in that chat.

handles:table that maps each handle_id to the contact information - phone number or email.

High level overview of the extraction and transformation process

In the messages table, each unique message has a ROWID which I rename message_id since it's a unique identifier for messages. I join the messages table to a table called chat_message_joins using the message_id. This join gives me the chat_id, representing the unique chat that each message was sent. Finally, the remaining information that is missing is the participants in each chat, and hence the people that received or sent each message.

For that I use two tables: the handles table that has a unique handle_id for each unique handle that you have interacted with and that handle's contact information.

The chat_handles_join table bridges the handles information back to the messages because it includes which handles are participating in each chat_id.

So the discovery process can look something like this: get the message_id from the messages table, get the chat_id of that message from the chat_message_joins table, get the handle_ids of the participants in that chat from the chat_handles_join, and finally translate the handle_ids to contact information (phone numbers and email you can read and recognize) using the handles table.


  • Some messages in the messages table have a NULL text field even though the message had text when I sent or received it. This seems to be something that was duplicated, since the repo here also has a similar issue. I solve for this in this new version of the code by discovering and extracting the message body field inside a column called attributedBody. It's totally perfect but it works pretty great. To distinguish, I create a new column called inferred_text.

  • The recipient field is also generrally NULL when the message is a sent one (vs received). After some brainstorming and few tries, I filled that information by looking at the participants in the chat. If it is a private chat (i.e., you and one more person) then if the message is sent, the recipient is the other person in the chat. If the chat is a group chat I decided to have the recipient simply as 'group-chat', since there is no single recipient (which mnight be why Apple decided to NULL that field). In the future I do want to iterate on this since there is a lot of information lost by simply calling it 'group-chat': I will explore having the column be a list that sometimes has one recipient and sometimes more.

  • If someone you know messages you sometimes from their phone number and other times from their email (e.g., Apple ID) then Apple assigns two different handle_ids. That's why I added Step 5 in the ETL notebook where you can manually create a dictionary that maps various contact information to the person's name. That way, when you want to do analysis on your messages with a specific person you query for the person's name, and the code will include all messages sent and received from both the phone number and the email.

  • To make things slightly more complicated, Apple will store a differnet handle_id even if the same phone number messages you once on iMessage (blue buble) and once on SMS (green bubbles). Even when sending an iMessage, sometime the messages arrives as an SMS due to e.g, poor connection issues. So you have to be careful with that too. Again, Step 5 in the ETL notebook should take care of that, and when you query for a person's name you will get both SMS and iMessages.

  • Note that some of the messages in the final dataframe will be things other than messages sent between people. This includes automated messages you might receive from services (like 2-fac authentication codes, restaurant reservation confirmation messages etc) as well as even more exotic thigns such as notifications that someone has started or stopped sharing their location with you or Apple Watch competitions.

New in this Version

Updates in 3.2

  • Added new fields indicating whether the message is an audio_message, or a thread reply.
  • Added a new field with the effect that the message was sent with (e.g., fireworks, baloons etc)
  • Updated the way that I detect whether the "message" was a reaction, which now covers is more accurate and expansive. It now includes even when a reaction is removed.

Updates in 3.1

  • I included a column that detects whether the "message" was a reaction and, if so, what type of a reaction. This works for reactions sent from English language iPhones, and doesn't work for Greek (yet). This detection relies on the text of the message.

Updates in 3

  • Many more messages now contain text. This can enable you do to sentiment or other text analysis. My best impression is that Apple changed the way that it stores the message text in the database at some point, and moved towards runtime encoding. After lots of trial and error, I was able to extract a pretty good approximation of the English text from another column in the table. The big limitation right now is that this works only for English characters. I tried it with Greek and wasn't successful.
  • The sent messages now have their recipient in the data. If you sent the message in a group chat, it is simply denoted as 'group-chat' (for now, see below for future work)

Future Work

  • When the message is sent in a group chat, right now I simply have the recipient as 'group-chat'. I want to edit that and perhaps include the list of recipients. This way if you want to calculcate the numebr of messages between you and another person in both private chats as well as group chats you will be able to do so.
  • Right now, Step 3 of the ETL notebook is very slow because the code is not optimized. I want to make that more efficient.

License: CC BY-NC 4.0


This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.