
Dell's Hackathon Hacktrick 2022

Primary LanguagePython

Hacktrick 2022

Welcome to Hacktrick! In this hackathon, you will be required to implement agents that navigate through different layouts with lab components scattered around the layout. Your agents should be able to build four different types of labs, with each lab having different requirements and specifications. We will be evaluating your agents based on the number of labs they build in the allotted time. More in-depth technical details are provided in the following sections. There will be two different types of agents and gameplay:

  1. Single Mode: Only one agent collecting the components and building the labs.
  2. Collaborative Mode: Two agents working together in the same layout to build the required labs.

Finally, it is worth noting that there are no constraints on how you implement these agents. We will be providing you with tips on how to implement a reinforcement learning agent in this environment, but by no means do we require you to submit an RL-based solution. You are free to implement your solutions using any method you see fitting (Ex: rule-based agent).

We will be evaluating on 1200 timesteps.



When cloning the repository, make sure you also clone the submodules

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/hacktrick-hackathon/hacktrick-hackathon-2022.git

Python Environment Setup

Create a new python environment (this is optional) using any environment manager you want (we will use venv) and run the install script as before

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ ./install.sh

Reinforcement Learning Setup

Install the latest stable version of tensorflow (if you don't have it) compatible with rllib. Make sure to train using a gpu or use google colab. If you are not planning to use reinforcement learning or other machine learning methods, you do not need this.

(venv) $ pip install tensorflow

Your virtual environment should now be configured to run the rllib training code. Verify it by running the following command

(venv) $ python -c "from ray import rllib"

Note: if you ever get an import error, please first check if you activated the venv

PPO Tests

(venv) $ cd hacktrick_rl/ppo
(venv) hacktrick_rl/ppo $ python ppo_rllib_test.py

Rllib Tests

Tests rllib environments and models, as well as various utility functions. Does not actually test rllib training

(venv) $ cd rllib
(venv) rllib $ python tests.py

You should see all tests passing.

Repo Structure Overview


  • ppo/:
    • ppo_rllib.py: Primary module where code for training a PPO agent resides. This is where you will implement your model architicture for a PPO agent
    • ppo_rllib_client.py Driver code for configuing and launching the training of an agent. More details about usage below
    • ppo_rllib_test.py Reproducibility tests for local sanity checks
  • rllib/:
    • rllib.py: rllib agent and training utils that utilize Hacktrick APIs
    • utils.py: utils for the above
    • tests.py: preliminary tests for the above
  • utils.py: utils for the repo


  • mdp/:

    • hacktric_mdp.py: main Hacktric game logic
    • hacktric_env.py: environment classes built on top of the Hacktric mdp
    • layout_generator.py: functions to generate random layouts programmatically
  • agents/:

    • agent.py: location of agent classes
    • benchmarking.py: sample trajectories of agents (both trained and planners) and load various models
  • planning/:

    • This directory contains some logic that might help you in implementing a rule-based agent.
    • You are free to disregard this directory and implement your own functions.
    • If you find any functions that make your implementation easier, or even as a guide/starter, feel free to use them.



You should not need to play around in the hacktrick_ai dirctory as this is for the environment you will use. you implementation and submissions are disscussed below. The above is only added for completion. In hacktrick_agent.py you will find two base classes MainAgent() and OptionalAgent(). Implement according to the following cases.

  • In single mode, implement only the MainAgent() class and make sure your logic is correct for the action() method.
  • In collaborative mode, implement both classes if you want to implement different agent logic and set share_agent_logic to False.
  • In collaborative mode, implement MainAgent() only if you want to apply the same logic on both agents and set share_agent_logic to True.

Visualizing Locally

Follow the steps in this notebook hackathon_tutorial.ipynb


  • The horizon variable corresponds to the number of timesteps.
  • Setting num_games to more than one will output the average score of these games. Feel free to adjust this parameter when testing, but we will be evaluating on one game only.


  • In hacktrick_agent.py you will find two base classes MainAgent() and OptionalAgent(). Implement your logic in these classes.
  • Run this command python3 client.py --team_name=TEAM_NAME --password=PASSWORD --mode=MODE --layout=LAYOUT_NAME. Note that mode is either single or collaborative

Reinforcement Learning Modules Usage

Before proceeding, it is important to note that there are two primary groups of hyperparameter defaults, local and production. Which is selected is controlled by the RUN_ENV environment variable, which defaults to production. In order to use local hyperparameters, run

$ export RUN_ENV=local

Your model architicture should go in the ppo_rllib.py file. You need to develop a PPO model utilizing the poilerblate code that you have to give you an idea about the inputs and outputs of the model. You do not need to worry about the training loop as this is handled by ray library in the background. Your only concern should be the model architicture and if you need to change the reward funciton check get_dense_reward() method in rllib/. Training of agents is done through the ppo_rllib_client.py script. It has the following usage:

 ppo_rllib_client.py [with [<param_0>=<argument_0>] ... ]

For example, the following snippet trains a self play ppo agent on seed 1, 2, and 3, with learning rate 1e-3, on the "cramped_room" layout for 5 iterations without using any gpus. The rest of the parameters are left to their defaults

(venv) ppo $ python ppo_rllib_client.py with seeds="[1, 2, 3] lr=1e-3 layout_name=cramped_room num_training_iters=5 num_gpus=0 experiment_name="my_agent"

For a complete list of all hyperparameters as well as their local and production defaults, refer to the my_config section of ppo_rllib_client.py

Training results and checkpoints are stored in a directory called ~/ray_results/my_agent_<seed>_<timestamp>. You can visualize the results using tensorboard

(venv) $ cd ~/ray_results
(venv) ray_results $ tensorboard --logdir .

The last command assumes you have installed tensorboard in a GUI-enabled environment for linux. If you are using WSL or colab you can easly figure out how to run tensorboard.