Maps form an important part of our life now. Your task is to make an application which would allow one to share a location with other people.
- Node version : 12.16.1
- Ruby version : 2.7.1
- Rails version :
- Yarn version : 1.22.4
Please follow this article to install Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Git, and Database on MacOs
Please follow this article to install Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Git, and Database on Ubuntu
Please follow this article to install Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Git, and Database on Windows
Please follow this article to install NodeJs on Mac
Please follow this article to install NodeJs on Ubuntu
Please follow this article to install NodeJs on Windows
git clone
cd qi_place_sharing
bundle install
rails db:setup
rails webpacker:install # press `n` when asked about `config/webpacker.yml` and `config/webpack/environment.js`
rails assets:precompile
rails webpacker:compile
rails s
cd qi_place_sharing
All users email using password
as their password