
SEE: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LUCENE-2562 + https://github.com/DmitryKey/luke/ , I will slowly drop this repo, I'd love to see luke moved to lucene as module, until then - binary builds might be in releases

Primary LanguageJava


fork of http://luke.googlecode.com/svn/ to support 6.x, 5.x lucene
(and maybe all newer)
and elastic search indices
fixes are usually quick and dirty, so need review
I just fix what I use (e.g. no hadoop updates, ... )

I am using Netbeans (latest) + latest JDK8 (Suns/Oracles)
from nb I can run compile & then I run target "dist" on top of build.xml 
to get the binaries built

NOTE: dependency jars get downloaded upon FIRST build
(so repo doesn't ship them anymore, but they get fetched 
from maven repos using ant)