LaravelFly runs Laravel much faster, and make Tinker to be used online(use tinker while Laravel is responding requests from browsers).
Quick Start
1.pecl install swoole
Make sure
in config file for php cli.
2.composer require "scil/laravel-fly":"dev-master"
3.php vendor/scil/laravel-fly/bin/fly start
If you enable eval(tinker())
and see an error about mkdir, please start LaravelFly using sudo.
Now, your project is flying and listening to port 9501. Enjoy yourself.
Speed Test
A simple ab test
ab -k -n 1000 -c 10 http://zc.test/green
. | fpm | Fly Mode Simple | Fly Mode Map |
Requests per second | 3 | 5 | 34 |
Time taken ≈ | 325 | 195 | 30 |
50% | 2538 | 167 | 126 |
80% | 3213 | 383 | 187 |
99% | 38584 | 33720 | 3903 |
Test Env
- A visit to http://zc.test/green relates to 5 Models and 5 db query.
- env:
ubuntu 16.04 on virtualbox ( 2 CPU: i5-2450M 2.50GHz ; Memory: 1G )
php7.1 + opcache + 5 workers for both fpm and laravelfly ( phpfpm : pm=static pm.max_children=5) - Test date : 2018/02
Tinker online: use tinker when laravel is working
used in router
Route::get('hi', function () {
$friends = 'Tinker';
if (starts_with(Request::ip(), ['192.168', '127'])) {
return view('fly', compact('friends'));
used in view file
@foreach($friends as $one)
<p>Hello, {!! $one !!}!</p>
The response can be changed to anything by you.
Hello, Tinker!
Hello, PsySh!
Hello, World!
tinker abilities
visit private members, read/write vars, use laravel services and so on.
tinker use examples.
// visit private members
sudo app()->booted
sudo $view= app()::$corDict[1]['instances']['view']
// use Model or Controller without writing namespace, thanks to ClassAliasAutoloader
// and the instance is printed beautifully, thanks to casters provided by laravel
$user = User::first()
// like dir() in Python
ls -la $user
// read doc
doc $user->save
// check code
show $user->query
// use xdebug
// magic var
// check server pid and pidfile
// which class aliases are defined in tinker
sudo app('tinker')->loader->classes
// run shell commands
`pwd && ls `
tinker demo
Tinker Tips
is a eval(\Psy\sh())
with extra support for Laravel. It can be used independently without LaravelFly server, but LaravelFly applies the opportunity to use shell online.
There may be a problem with tabcompletion. see tabcompletion only works "the second time
If you see an error about mkdir, please start LaravelFly using sudo.
LaravelFly Usability
It can be installed on your existing projects without affecting nginx/apache server, that's to say, you can run LaravelFly server and nginx/apache server simultaneously to run the same laravel project.
The nginx conf swoole_fallback_to_phpfpm.conf allow you use LaravelFlyServer as the primary server, and the phpfpm as a backup server which will be passed requests when the LaravelFlyServer is unavailable. .
Another nginx conf use_swoole_or_fpm_depending_on_clients allows us use query string ?useserver=<swoole|fpm|...
to select the server between swoole or fpm. That's wonderful for test, such as to use eval(tinker()) as a online debugger for your fpm-supported projects.
Tips for use
global vars are not global any more
Global vars are only global in single swoole worker.
Swoole workers run in different process, vars are not shared by different workers.
Methods to share vars between workers:
- Swoole tools like Table, Channel, ...
- Yac, Redis, Memcached, ...
php functions not fit LaravelFly
name | replacement |
header | Laravel Api: $response->header |
setcookie | Laravel Api: $response->cookie |
Mode Map
Mode Map uses coroutine, so different requests can be handled by server concurrently. Suppose the server is handling a request, meet co::sleep(3)
, then it goes to handle another request, later go back to the first request.
The basic services have been converted to be Coroutine Friendly and some tests have added to make sure the converted files can follow Laravel's new releases.
There are some tips:
- Do not use super global vars like $_GET, $_POST, they are different among requests.
- If you use Laravel Macros, make sure they are always same in all of the requests. I've not made it Coroutine Friendly because I think in most situations they are always same.
- Laravel5.5 package auto-detection
- mysql coroutine
- mysql connection pool
- add events
- handle php config and laravel config like Zend in Mode Simple?
- handle php config and laravel config in Mode Map?
- websocket
- add tests about auth SessionGuard: Illuminate/Auth/SessionGuard.php with uses Request::createFromGlobals
- add tests about uploaded file, related symfony/http-foundation files: File/UploadedFile.php and FileBag.php(fixPhpFilesArray)
- send file
- travis, static analyze like phan, phpstan or
- change tinker to go away from sudo
- log fly: improve log on swoole
- cache fly
Similar projects that mix swoole and laravel
- laravoole : wonderful with many merits which LaravelFly will study. Caution: laravoole loads the app before any request (onWorkerStart->parent::prepareKernel), but it ignores data pollution, so please do not use any service which may change during a request, do not write any code that may change Laravel app or app('event') during a request, such as registering event .