
The trustless swap module for Cosmos SDK based blockchain.

Primary LanguageGo


cosmos-trustless-swap is a module for swapping and selling tokens between two users.
It is implemented as Cosmos module.



Swap or Sell Fungible Token

      actor Alice
      participant Module
      actor Bob
      Alice ->> Module: transfer 10token (price 20stake)
      Note over Module: have 10token
      Bob ->>+ Module: request receive
      Module ->> Alice: transfer 20stake from Bob<br/> (tx is signed by bob)
      Module ->>- Bob: transfer 10token 
      Note over Alice: have 20stake
      Note over Bob: have 10token

Swap or Sell Non Fungible Token

      actor Alice
      participant Module
      actor Bob
      Alice ->> Module: transfer NFT (price 20stake)
      Note over Module: have NFT
      Bob ->>+ Module: request receive
      Module ->> Alice: transfer 20stake from Bob<br/> (tx is signed by bob)
      Module ->>- Bob: transfer NFT 
      Note over Alice: have 20stake
      Note over Bob: have NFT


simd is your blockchain cli built by ignite chain build.

Swap Fungible Token

$ simd tx swap send [id] [receiver] [amount] [amountToReceive] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx swap send 1 cosmos1p496u9my9uv6s3klsxuhud5y7jxwmd4lal8ym4 10coin 1stake --from alice
proeprty description ex
[id] Any number of type uint64. It must be unique for --from user. If swap is completed by cancel or receive, it can be reused.. If swap is completed by cancel or receive, it can be reused 1
[receiver] The recipient's address cosmos1p496u9my9uv6s3klsxuhud5y7jxwmd4lal8ym4
[amount] The amout of token to transfer 10tokenA
[amountToReceive] The amount of tokens required for the recipient to receive 20tokenB
$ simd query swap show [sender] [id] 
# ex) simd query swap show cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m 1 

# Here is the result
# swap:
#  creator: cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m
#  id: "1"
#  receiver: cosmos1p496u9my9uv6s3klsxuhud5y7jxwmd4lal8ym4
#  amount: 10tokenA
#  amountToReceive: 20tokenB
$ simd tx swap receive [sender] [id] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx swap receive cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m 1 --from bob
proeprty description ex
[id] The id specified when sending 1
[sender] The address of the sender(swap creator). cosmos1p496u9my9uv6s3klsxuhud5y7jxwmd4lal8ym4
--from The recipient. It must match the address specified in [receiver] in saved sale bob
$ simd tx swap cancel [id] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx swap cancel 1 --from alice
proeprty description ex
[id] The id specified when sending 1
--from It must match the address specified in [creator] in saved sale alice

Swap Non Fungible Token

$ simd tx swap send-nft [id] [receiver] [classId] [nftId] [amountToReceive] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx swap send-nft 1 cosmos1p496u9my9uv6s3klsxuhud5y7jxwmd4lal8ym4 class1 nft1 --from alice
proeprty description ex
[id] Any number of type uint64. It must be unique for --from user. If swap is completed by cancel or receive, it can be reused.. If swap is completed by cancel or receive, it can be reused 1
[receiver] The recipient's address cosmos1p496u9my9uv6s3klsxuhud5y7jxwmd4lal8ym4
[classId] The NFT's classId class1
[nftId] The NFT's nftId class1
[amountToReceive] The amount of tokens required for the recipient to receive 20tokenB
--from It must be the owner of the NFT alice
$ simd query swap show-nft [sender] [id] 
# ex) simd query swap show-nft cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m 1 

# Here is the result
# swap:
#  amountToReceive: 3token
#  classId: class1
#  creator: cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m
#  id: "1"
#  nftId: nft1
#  receiver: cosmos1p496u9my9uv6s3klsxuhud5y7jxwmd4lal8ym4
$ simd tx swap receive-nft [sender] [id] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx swap receive-nft cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m 1 --from bob
proeprty description ex
[id] The id specified when sending 1
[sender] The address of the sender(swap creator) cosmos1p496u9my9uv6s3klsxuhud5y7jxwmd4lal8ym4
--from The recipient. It must match the address specified in [receiver] in saved sale bob
$ simd tx swap cancel-nft [id] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx swap cancel-nft 1 --from alice
proeprty description ex
[id] The id specified when sending 1
--from It must match the address specified in [creator] in saved sale alice

Sell Fungible Token

$ simd tx sale sell [id] [amount] [amountToReceive] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx sale sell 1 10coin 1stake --from alice
proeprty description ex
[id] Any number of type uint64. It must be unique for the signer. If swap is completed by cancel or receive, it can be reused.. If swap is completed by cancel or receive, it can be reused 1
[amount] The amount of token to transfer 10tokenA
[amountToReceive] The amount of tokens required for the recipient to receive 20tokenB
$ simd query sale show [seller] [id] 
# ex) simd query sale show cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m 1 

# Here is the result
# sell:
#  creator: cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m
#  id: "1"
#  amount: 10tokenA
#  amountToReceive: 20tokenB
$ simd tx sale buy [seller] [id] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx sale buy cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m 1 --from bob
proeprty description ex
[id] The id specified when selling 1
[seller] The address of the seller(sale creator) cosmos1p496u9my9uv6s3klsxuhud5y7jxwmd4lal8ym4
--from The buyer bob
$ simd tx sale cancel [id] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx sale cancel 1 --from alice
proeprty description ex
[id] The id specified when selling 1
--from It must match the address specified in [creator] in saved sale alice

Sell Non Fungible Token

$ simd tx sale sell-nft [id] [classId] [nftId] [amountToReceive] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx sale sell-nft 1 class1 nft1 --from alice
proeprty description ex
[id] Any number of type uint64. It must be unique for --from user. If swap is completed by cancel or receive, it can be reused.. If swap is completed by cancel or buy, it can be reused 1
[classId] The NFT's classId class1
[nftId] The NFT's nftId class1
[amountToReceive] The amount of tokens required for the recipient to receive 20tokenB
--from It must be the owner of the NFT alice
$ simd query sale show-nft [sender] [id] 
# ex) simd query sale show-nft cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m 1 

# Here is the result
# sale:
#  amountToReceive: 3token
#  classId: class1
#  creator: cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m
#  id: "1"
#  nftId: nft1
$ simd tx sale buy-nft [seller] [id] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx sale buy-nft cosmos1s7p7h4k3v9qcqs7ku2tpq0cajydertggeg8z4m 1 --from bob
proeprty description ex
[id] The id specified when selling 1
[seller] The address of the seller(sale creator) cosmos1p496u9my9uv6s3klsxuhud5y7jxwmd4lal8ym4
--from The buyer bob
$ simd tx swap cancel-nft [id] --from keyname
# ex) simd tx swap cancel-nft 1 --from alice
proeprty description ex
[id] The id specified when selling 1
--from IIt must match the address specified in [creator] in saved sale alice


go get -u github.com/yoshidan/cosmos-trustless-swap

Modify app/app.go included in the blockchain boilerplate output by Ignite CLI as follows.

  • Import nft and swap and sale modules.
  • nft is not required if you do not swap or sell NFTs.
import (
    nftkeeper "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/nft/keeper"
    nftmodule "github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/x/nft/module"

    swapmodule "github.com/yoshidan/cosmos-trustless-swap/x/swap"
    swapmodulekeeper "github.com/yoshidan/cosmos-trustless-swap/x/swap/keeper"
    swapmoduletypes "github.com/yoshidan/cosmos-trustless-swap/x/swap/types"

    salemodule "github.com/yoshidan/cosmos-trustless-swap/x/sale"
    salemodulekeeper "github.com/yoshidan/cosmos-trustless-swap/x/sale/keeper"
    salemoduletypes "github.com/yoshidan/cosmos-trustless-swap/x/sale/types"	
  • Add these modules to ModuleBasics and maccPerms
var (
    ModuleBasics = module.NewBasicManager(

    maccPerms = map[string][]string{
        nft.ModuleName:                 nil,
        swapmoduletypes.ModuleName:     nil,
        salemoduletypes.ModuleName:     nil,
  • Add the keepers to App struct
type App struct {
    NFTKeeper  nftkeeper.Keeper
    SwapKeeper swapmodulekeeper.Keeper
    SaleKeeper salemodulekeeper.Keeper
  • Initialize the modules in func New
func New(
) *App {
    keys := sdk.NewKVStoreKeys(
    app.NFTKeeper = nftkeeper.NewKeeper(
    nftModules := nftmodule.NewAppModule(appCodec, app.NFTKeeper, app.AccountKeeper, app.BankKeeper, app.interfaceRegistry)

    app.SwapKeeper = *swapmodulekeeper.NewKeeper(
    swapModule := swapmodule.NewAppModule(appCodec, app.SwapKeeper, app.AccountKeeper, app.BankKeeper)

    app.SaleKeeper = *salemodulekeeper.NewKeeper(
    saleModule := salemodule.NewAppModule(appCodec, app.SaleKeeper, app.AccountKeeper, app.BankKeeper)

    app.mm = module.NewManager(



    app.sm = module.NewSimulationManager(
    return app

Then you can generate openapi.yml and TypeScript client.

ignite generate ts-client --clear-cache
ignite generate openapi --clear-cache