Contents for Elixir website hosted at

It is automatically transformed by Jekyll into a static site.

Contributing to the blog

Create a new file inside _posts/YYYY-MM-DD-post-title.markdown following the template:

layout: post

Body text goes here...

Or use _bin/newpost to bootstrap a new post file:

export EDITOR=vim; _bin/newpost 'Post title'

Contributing improvements or bug fixes

  1. Fork

  2. Make your changes

  3. Test it locally, you need to install the gems jekyll and redcarpet:

    $ gem install jekyll redcarpet
    $ jekyll serve # check localhost:4000
  4. Send a pull-request for your changes

jekyll requires a javascript processor to be available too. Many OS provide such functionality but others do not. If you have an error related to ExecJS, you can work around it by either running gem install therubyracer or by ensuring node.js is available in your path.


  • "Elixir" and the Elixir logo are copyrighted to Plataformatec. You may not reuse anything therein without permission.

  • The HTML and CSS are copyrighted to AlienWp under GPL license, version 2.

  • The Social Icons are copyrighted to Xeloader.

  • The written textual contents available in the guides and blog are licensed under Apache 2.0.

  • The available docs are licensed under the same license as their projects.