
Reading & writing wav files, and Interconversion between wav audio data and 2 dimentional f64 vector.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A library of reading & writing wav files, and interconversion between wav audio data and Vec<Vec<f64>>. Only for 64bit OS.


This libary provides the following features:

  • Reading & writing wav files.
  • Interconversion between wav audio data and a tupple that has a wave format structure and a audio data vector(Vec<Vec<f64>>). The order of the audio data vector's (Vec<Vec<f64>>) dimensions can be specified by corresponding APIs in each.

Wav File Format

  • Format:

    • Unsigned 8bit PCM
    • Signed 16,24,32bit PCM
    • 32bit IEEE Float
  • Channel:

    • Mono or Stereo
  • Sampling Rate:

    • 1Hz to 192000Hz


cargo doc --open

Usage Examples

New & Save File

extern crate wav_f64vec;
use wav_f64vec::*;

fn main() {
    // format id = 1(PCM), 2ch, 16000Hz, 16bit
    let wave_format = WaveFormat {
        id: 1,
        channel: 2,
        sampling_rate: 16000,
        bits: 16,

    // make 2-dimensional audio_data (5sec, 440hz, -3dB, sin_wave)
    let mut channel_data_vec: Vec<Vec<f64>> = Vec::new();
    for _ in 0..wave_format.channel {
        let mut data_vec: Vec<f64> = Vec::new();
        // 5sec
        for idx in 0..wave_format.sampling_rate * 5 {
            let sec = idx as f64 / wave_format.sampling_rate as f64;
            // 440Hz -3Db
            let data = (2.0 * std::f64::consts::PI * 440.0 * sec).sin() * 0.5012;

    let mut wav_file = WavFile::new();
        .update_audio_for_channel_data_vec(&wave_format, &channel_data_vec)

Open & Save File

extern crate wav_f64vec;
use wav_f64vec::*;

fn main() {
    // open file and make a wav file struct
    let mut wav_file = WavFile::open(std::path::Path::new(r"./test.wav")).unwrap();

    // make a WavFormat struct and aidio data vector from the wave file sturct
    let (wave_format, channel_data_vec) = wav_file.get_audio_for_channel_data_vec().unwrap();

    // any process (example: print format & convert sampling rate of wave)
        "[opened file] format id: {}, channel: {}, sampling rate: {}, bits: {}",
        wave_format.id, wave_format.channel, wave_format.sampling_rate, wave_format.bits
    println!("convert sampling rate to 44100Hz.",);
    let mut new_format = wave_format.clone();
    new_format.sampling_rate = 44100;
    let new_channel_data_vec = convert_sampling_rate_for_channel_data_vec(
        "[new file] format id: {}, channel: {}, sampling rate: {}, bits: {}",
        new_format.id, new_format.channel, new_format.sampling_rate, new_format.bits

    // reflect changes to wav_file
        .update_audio_for_channel_data_vec(&new_format, &new_channel_data_vec)

    // save a wav file