
Spanish language chatbot and summarize Wikipedia content using the OpenAI API and the Wikipedia library.

Primary LanguagePython

OpenAI Chatbot and Wikipedia Summarization

This project utilizes OpenAI to create a Spanish language chatbot and summarize Wikipedia content using the OpenAI API and the Wikipedia library.


  • Python 3.x
  • OpenAI API key
  • Python libraries: openai, dotenv, wikipedia


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env.
  4. Obtain an OpenAI API key and paste it into the .env file.


OpenAI Chatbot

  1. Run the chatbot.py file with python chatbot.py.
  2. The chatbot will prompt for a Spanish language input message.
  3. The chatbot will respond with a GPT-3 generated response.

Wikipedia Summarization

  1. Run the wikibot.py file with python wikibot.py.
  2. Enter the title of a Spanish language Wikipedia page.
  3. The program will print a 5 bullet point summary of the page.