Vagrant image for Magento 2

This repository contains all the files to get a VM up and running via Vagrant. Recommended is to assign at least 4Gb of RAM to this VM.


This Vagrant installs the following into a VM:

  • Nginx
  • PHP7
  • Redis
  • Magerun2
  • Magento 2


The Vagrant configuration should be copied from Vagrantfile.sample to Vagrantfile.

cp Vagrantfile.sample Vagrantfile

This Vagrant configuration uses NFS. Under Linux or MacOS this image should work out of the box, as long as you have NFS installed. Under Windows, you might want to try WinNFSd or change the configuration in Vagrantfile to use an alternative to NFS. Alternatively (for any OS) you might want to opt for the rsync option - just make sure to run the command vagrant rsync-auto on the host side.

Memory is assigned to the VM by modifying the --memory variable in Vagrantfile. Note that some parameters like the query_cache in mysqld.cnf might also be tuned accordingly.

The folder vagrant_files includes a couple of files that are copied to the VM. Because the installer needs to access to the Magento repositories, make sure to add a file composer-auth.json with your Magento credentials in place. If you skip this step, the Magento install will fail. An example is located in composer-auth.json.sample.

You can also include a resolv.conf file in the vagrant_files folder to override DNS settings within the VM.


Bring up this Vagrant image:

vagrant up

Once the machine is up and running, Vagrant will run all the steps in the script After all steps are done, Magento 2 should be available under the following URL:

http://magento2.local/ (with this hostname being mapped to IP

Backend login is available under http://magento2.local/backend. You can login with admin and password admin123.

You can manage the VM by SSH-ing to it:

vagrant ssh

The machine is in Developer Mode by default. Magento 2 is installed into the folder source of the Vagrant folder, so that you can access all files via the hosting environment (your computer).


The current setup installs Magento 2 first in /home/vagrant/source and then moves this folder to /vagrant/source. This is because in some environments, the file syncing (NFS) of the Magento cache-folder var/cache causes traffic to go bezerk. By installing things in a non-synced folder, and then moving everything to the synced folder afterwards, this problem is bypassed.


Do make sure to tune all things as documented above.

Optionally also change the repo URL (currently in the script) to use an alternative Magento source. Using the Yireo dev server is not giving you any guarantees, but works much faster for us than using the original

It might be needed to install a separate NFS plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-winnfsd


Unknown configuration section 'vbguest'

If you get this error, try to install the vbguest plugin within Vagrant. For instance using a commmand like vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest.

Using sshfs

When using SSHFS, run vagrant plugin install vagrant-sshfs.