Number Scrabble/Pick 15/3-to-15 in Urbit

This is a Pick 15 game based on the tic-tac-toe for urbit

Alt Text


  • Network multiplayer.
  • Board state printed in the console
  • Structures in /=home=/sur and marks for updates
  • Fixes an issue with removing the head of a queue using a custom library (%cola)
  • Notifications for game invitation
  • Uses queue instead of list to keep track of incoming and outgoing subscriptions
    • TODO: Research Gall/Hall to replace this
  • Pending requests to play are queued and pulled after current game finishes.
  • Styled text to print crosses and noughts on board, and game notifications

Local install

This might take some time to compile, seat tight!

cp app/pick15.hoon /path/to/your-urbit/home/app
cp -r mar/pick15 /path/to/your-urbit/home/mar
cp sur/pick15.hoon /path/to/your-urbit/home/sur
cp lib/cola.hoon /path/to/your-urbit/home/lib

Start playing!!

In your urbit's Dojo, run the command:

~your-urbit:dojo> |start %pick15

The list of commands are:

  • '~ship-name': sends request to ~ship
    • Only if the prompt is | shall we play a game?
  • '!': cancels the current game. (if any, unqueues next subscription)
  • 'l': list current subscriptions (any time during the game)
    • list|20%
  • '9-1/1': stone ([1-9]) and board coordinates ([1-3/1-3])
    • Only if the prompt is | ~zod vs ~marzod | [number-row/col]
  • 'Y': confirm/reject request to play [Y/N]
    • Only if the prompt is:
      • | ~zod wins! continue? (Y/N) |
      • | waiting for ~zod (!=quit) |

In Progress

  • Refactor code
  • Follow /=home=/gen/deco.hoon best-coding practices (deprecated)
  • Follow code style
  • Remove old three/four letter variable names
  • Using Hoonian idioms


  • Partial board re-paint on each move.
  • Web frontend
  • Single-player mode
  • Send multple requests to multiple ships
  • Don't block game waiting for a confirmation
  • Cancel a specific request from the list of subscribers
  • Write-up a blog post documenting the code
