
Primary LanguageJava

Selenium Project

This is a big project that uses Selenium to automate the process according to the checklist provided by the Professor. The project is divided into 2 parts:

  • Part 1: Basics
  • Part 2: Advanced

Commands I always forget 😅

docker exec -it selenium-docker-sandbox-ubuntu-1 bash
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-arm64
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH


VNC: http://localhost:8081/vnc.html


  • Part 1: Basics

    • Fill simple form and send (eg. Login)
    • Form sending with user
    • Logout
    • Fill input (text,radio,check...)
    • Send a form
    • Static Page test
    • Multiple page test from array (easily extendable static page tests)
    • complex xpath (eg. //div//a[@href='asd'])
    • Filling or reading textarea content
    • Filling or reading drop-down
    • Filling or reading Radio button
    • At least 4 class
    • At least 6 class
    • At least 8 class
    • Explicit wait
    • Reading the page title
    • Page object pattern
    • BasePage object class
    • Test suite looks like readable test description
  • Part 2: Advanced

    • WebDriver configuration (modify something in the browser options)
    • Manipulate cookie meaningfully (without ui), e.g. avoid showing up consent popup without clicking onto it
    • Hover test
    • Drag&Drop
    • File Upload
    • History test (browser back button)
    • Test case dependencies
    • E-mail checking (eg. Registration with activation e-mail): Unable to do this because of the Captcha
    • Test with random data
    • Download multiple files to a folder from an user protected page: Unable to do this because the chrome version is too old
    • Using configuration file
    • JavascriptExecutor

Tasks and Descriptions

Task Description
Fill simple form and send (e.g., Login) Login form
Form sending with user Business adr
Password change
Rollback password change
Logout logged two times
after the cookies setting
after the end of the
Fill input (text, radio, check...) password, email and many other fields
Send a form Login form
Static Page test Convert,Compress, Edit pages
Multiple page test from array Convert,Compress, Edit pages
Complex xpath Can be found in locators helper
Filling or reading textarea content Business adr
Filling or reading drop-down Account and Pdf tools dropdowns
Filling or reading Radio button remember me
At least 4 class atLeast4Locator
At least 6 class atLeast6Locator
At least 8 class atLeast8Locator
Explicit wait wait.until(ExpectedConditions.urlMatches for uploadFile and in many other places mainly using the 2 helper methods from SeleniumHelper
Reading the page title getPageTitle() from BasePage
Page object pattern Please check the project structure
BasePage object class all pages are extending BasePage
Test suite looks like readable test description Occured in many places in the code

For the "Advanced" tasks:

Task Description
WebDriver configuration in a method called getOptions inside SeleniumHelper
Manipulate cookie meaningfully used existing token to login.
read cookies to check if the user is authenticated
Hover test Hover over pdf tools dropdown and user account icon to logout
Drag & Drop Drag the pen icon inside the Edit Page to the draggable area of the file upload
Drag and drop follows the mouse
Tried 5 ways to do it, most follow the cursor, some didn't work .
File Upload Upload the file "resources/file1.gif" to the website
History test navigateBack() from Viewer to Pdf Editor page
Test case dependencies Occured in many places in the code
E-mail checking Unable to do due to the Capcha challenge
Test with random data Random password and email generated using SeleniumHelper
Download multiple files to a folder File upload code is correct and expected to work but Unable to do due to the chrome not supporting the website
Using configuration file can be found inside config/configs.json
JavascriptExecutor used to
Scroll inside the compress page
bypass the GBC consent in the home page

For the "Goals" tasks:

Task Description
Readable code (Every function name describe what the function is doing) Structure code, used relevant attributes and methods names, and respected the Java naming convention
Structured (Organized in classes and functions) Please check the project structure
Unnecessary files ignored well all added to .gitignore
Low redundancy (There are only a few of duplications of code) Redundant code refactored and moved to its respective helper