Image to ASCII Art Convertor made with pure C++ and OpenCV

Primary LanguageC++

A Simple IMG to ASCII Convertor Using OpenCV

How Does It Work?

The OpenVC Library Provides the ```cv::Mat``` DataType Which either stores a Multi-channel image ( Colored ) or a Single-Channel image ( GreyScale ) , If you're unfamiliar with how GreyScale Images work here's my main reference while building this project:
The Idea is to Convert Your Multi-Channel Colored Image into a Single-Channel GreyScale Image and Calculate the Average Intensity of each (Scale X Scale) pixels , adn then replacing them with ASCII Characters , Which are appended in the String Depending on the Intensity of each pixel ( Higher Contrast ASCII Letters and Lower Contrast ASCII Letters )
Please Open the Image Below to View the Before / After :

Screenshot 2024-01-23 231113