
A standalone executable written in golang that continuously broadcasts a route using NATS to the CF router.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A standalone executable written in golang that continuously broadcasts a routes to the gorouter. This is designed to be a general purpose solution, packaged as a BOSH job to be colocated with components that need to broadcast their routes to the gorouter, so that those components don't need to maintain logic for route registration.

Note: This repository should be imported as code.cloudfoundry.org/route-registrar.


  1. Clone the routing-release repository
git clone --recursive https://github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/routing-release
  1. Build the route-registrar binary
cd routing-release
source .envrc # or direnv allow
go get code.cloudfoundry.org/route-registrar
ls -la bin/route-registrar
  1. The route-registrar expects a configuration json file like the one below:
"message_bus_servers": [
    "host": "NATS_SERVER_HOST:PORT",
    "password": "NATS_SERVER_PASSWORD"
"routes": [
    "name": "SOME_ROUTE_NAME",
    "tags": {
      "optional_tag_field": "some_tag_value",
      "another_tag_field": "some_other_value"
    "uris": [
    "server_cert_domain_san": "some.service.internal",
    "route_service_url": "https://route-service.example.com",
    "registration_interval": "REGISTRATION_INTERVAL",
    "health_check": {
      "name": "HEALTH_CHECK_NAME",
      "script_path": "/path/to/check/executable",
      "timeout": "HEALTH_CHECK_TIMEOUT"
  • message_bus_servers is an array of data with location and credentials for the NATS servers; route-registrar currently registers and deregisters routes via NATS messages. message_bus_servers.host must include both hostname and port; e.g. host:
  • host is the destination hostname or IP for the routes being registered. To Gorouter, these are backends.
  • routes is required and is an array of hashes. For each route collection:
    • name must be provided and be a string
    • port or tls_port are for the destination host (backend). At least one must be provided and must be a positive integer > 1.
    • server_cert_domain_san is the SAN on the destination host's TLS certificate. Required when tls_port is provided.
    • uris are the routes being registered for the destination host. Must be provided and be a non empty array of strings. All URIs in a given route collection will be mapped to the same host and port.
    • registration_interval is the interval for which routes are registered with NATS. Must be provided and be a string with units (e.g. "20s"). It must parse to a positive time duration e.g. "-5s" is not permitted.
    • route_service_url is optional. When provided, Gorouter will proxy requests received for the uris above to this address.
    • health_check is optional and explained in more detail below.
  1. Run route-registrar binaries using the following command
route-registrar -configPath FILE_PATH_TO_CONFIG_JSON -pidfile PATH_TO_PIDFILE

Health check

If the health_check is not configured for a route collection, the routes are continually registered according to the registration_interval.

If the health_check is configured, the executable provided at health_check.script_path is invoked and the following applies:

  • if the executable exits with success, the routes are registered.
  • if the executable exits with error, the routes are deregistered.
  • if health_check.timeout is configured, it must parse to a positive time duration (similar to registration_interval), and the executable must exit within the timeout. If the executable does not terminate within the timeout, it is forcibly terminated (with SIGKILL) and the routes are deregistered.
  • if health_check.timeout is not configured, the executable must exit within half the registration_interval. If the executable does not terminate within the timeout, it is forcibly terminated (with SIGKILL) and the routes are deregistered.

BOSH release

This program is packaged as a job and a package in the routing-release BOSH release, it can be colocated with the following manifest changes:

- name: routing
- name: my-release

- name: myJob
  - name: my-job
    release: my-release
  - name: route_registrar
    release: routing
      # ...
      # [ see bosh job spec ]



Dependencies are saved using the routing-release. Just clone the repo and set the GOPATH to the routing release directory.

Running tests

  1. Install the ginkgo binary with go get:
go get github.com/onsi/ginkgo/ginkgo
  1. Run tests, by running the following command from root of this repository