
Airflow with Spring Demo

Primary LanguageCSS


The repo contains the minimal Airflow infra + Spring project project example. The repo is useful for demo purposes.

How To Run

  1. Init Airflow db: docker compose up airflow-init.
  2. Start Airflow: docker compose up -d. It will take a few minutes until it's ready.
  3. Run the Spring directly project on your machine (useful for experimenting/making quick code changes):
    1. cd ./java/spring-petclinic
    2. ./mvnw spring-boot:run. Now Spring Boot application is running on port 8081.
  4. Log in Airflow UI: localhost:8080. Username and password are airflow.
  5. Find pet_clinic_flow_simple or tenant_{tenant_id}_daily_workflow DAGs and run them manually if necessary.