
Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm npm npm


fzf inspired fuzzy CLI list selection 🎀

Easy to use

CLI usage

npm install -g node-fzf

# by default (TTY mode) will glob list of current dir files

# using pipes
find . | grep -v node_modules | nfzf

API usage

const nfzf = require( 'node-fzf' )

const list = [ 'whale', 'giraffe', 'monkey' ]

// opens interactive selection CLI
// note! this messes with stdout so if you are
// writing to stdout at the same time it will look a bit messy..
const api = nfzf( list, function ( result ) {
  const { selected, query } = result;
  if( !selected ) {
    console.log( 'No matches for:', query )
  } else {
    console.log( selected.value ) // 'giraffe'
    console.log( selected.index ) // 1
    console.log( selected.value === list[ selected.index ] ) // true

} )

// can also add more items later..
setInterval( function () {
  list.push( 'foobar' )
  api.update( list )
}, 1000 )


<ctrl-j>,down                 scroll down
<ctrl-k>,up                   scroll up

<ctrl-d>                      scroll down by 10
<ctrl-u>                      scroll up by 10

<esc>,<ctrl-q>,<ctrl-c>       cancel

<return>,<ctrl-m>             trigger callback with current selection and exit

<ctrl-w>                      clear last word (whitespace delimited) from fuzzy search

<backspace>                   delete last fuzzy search character


fzf inspired fuzzy CLI list selection thing for node.


easy fuzzy list selection UI for NodeJS CLI programs.


Mostly cli-color for dealing with the terminal rendering and ttys to hack the ttys to simultaneously read from non TTY stdin and read key inputs from TTY stdin -> So that we can get piped input while also at the same time receive and handle raw keyboard input.

Used by




fzf even though it doesn't work in NodeJS directly is all-in-all a better tool than this piece of crap :) Highly recommend~


No tests..