
Stubcell is simple stub module

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Stubcell Build Status

Stub server to develop client-side project.


Stubcell has the following features.

  • emulate response files
  • response value can be written in JSON5 (JSON file is more readable and human friendly ♡)
  • validate JSON in stub server.
  • Support JSON-RPC (2014/05/14)
  • Support querystring and body (2014/05/21)
  • Support recording json (2014/05/23)
  • Support Command Line tool (2014/05/26)
  • Support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (2014/07/24)

Difference from other stub tools

Almost Stub servers have some disappointing points.

  • cannot validate JSON.
  • does not use JSON5, so i cannot write comments in the JSON file and cannot write trailing comma.

For example:

  • stubby always launch https server and cannot validate json, so if json is invalid, you should check the value in client side.

  • easymock is so simple, but it depends on sqlite3, and could not write comment in JSON file and could not validate json.

stubcell can check JSON and write comments in your JSON file, so you can write the specification in detail. stubcell is more simple than others and dependent libraries are small.

How to use


$ npm install stubcell

need to write entry yaml

  # request content
    # request url
    # :id is id params, so it matches /test/aaa, /test/1, /test/hello
    url: /test/:id
    # http method, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
    method: GET
  # response content
    # status value 200, 404, 500 etc..
    status: 200
    # response body json path.
    file: test/id.json
    url: /test/
    method: get
    status: 200
    file: test.json

# if response/file is not specified, url and method become the response filepath
# like /abc/abc_get.json
# the algorithm is <url>_<method>.json
# if url is /echo/yosuke/hoge and method is PUT and entry.yaml is /usr/test/stubcell/entry.yaml
# stubcell looks up /usr/test/stubcell/echo/yosuke/hoge_put.json
    url: /abc/abc
    method: get
    status: 200

# support json-rpc
    url: /jsonrpc
    method: POST
      # if your server accept jsonrpc, need jsonrpc prop.
      jsonrpc: 2.0
      # need jsonrpc method prop.
      method: sum
    status: 200
    file: jsonrpc/sum.json

# support querystring and body
    url: /querystringbody
    method: POST
    # can write query
      q: yosuke
    # can write body
      test: 123
    status: 200
    file: querystringbody.json

# support writing body directly
    url: /write/directly
    method: GET
    status: 200
    body: '{"message": "hello"}'

need to write jsons


  // test comment
  // we can write comment in JSON.
  message : "Hello world", // can write trailing comma.


// for jsonrpc
// !NOTE! only write result value
// not include id and jsonrpc properties.
  // sum [123, 456]
  result: 579

sample code

var StubCell = require("../index");
var stubcell = new StubCell();
var http = require("http");
stubcell.loadEntry(__dirname + "/example.yaml");
var app = stubcell.server();
var server = app.listen(3000);

http.get("http://localhost:3000/test/1", function(res){
  var data = '';
  res.on("data", function(chunk) {
    data += chunk;
  res.on("end", function() {
    try {
      // { "message" : "Hello world" }
    } catch (e) {


var StubCell = require("../index");
var stubcell = new StubCell();
var http = require("http");
var options = {
  // show more detail information
  debug : true, // default is false
  // json base path, stubcell return json from  basepath + "/" + filepath
  basepath : "", // default is yaml parent dir.
  // request to backend server and record json file.
  record: {
    // show more detail information
    debug : true, // default is false
    // json store base path
    basepath: "", // default is options.basepath
    // request redirectTo.
    target : "http://echo.jsontest.com" // default is http://localhost:3001
  // loose compare request params (headers, query, body) and entry
  looseCompare: true,
  // cors option (default true)
  cors: false,
  //   or set each headers
  cors: {
    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "example.com",
    "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET",
    "Access-Control-Allow-Fields": "secret"
stubcell.loadEntry(__dirname + "/example.yaml", options);
var app = stubcell.server();
var server = app.listen(3000);

http.get("http://localhost:3000/test/1", function(res){
  var data = '';
  res.on("data", function(chunk) {
    data += chunk;
  res.on("end", function() {
    try {
      // { "message" : "Hello world" }
    } catch (e) {

http.get("http://localhost:3000/hello/world", function(res){
  var data = '';
  res.on("data", function(chunk) {
    data += chunk;
  res.on("end", function() {
    try {
      // { "hello": "world" }
      // and record the json to __dirname/hello/world.json
    } catch (e) {

Use finally routing

you can use finally routing if any request setting matches a current request. set request.url = $finally, it is replaced with * in app's routing.

    url: $finally
    method: ALL
    status: 200
    body: '{message: "you look me!"}'

How to use in CLI

$ npm install stubcell -g
$ stubcell --port 3000 --entry ./entry.yaml --record_target http://echo.jsontest.com

commandline arguments

  Usage: stubcell [options]


      -h, --help                            output usage information
      -V, --version                         output the version number
      --port <n>                            server start port, default is 8090
      --entry [entry filepath]              entry yaml file, default is /Users/furukawa.yosuke/Program/stubcell/entry.yaml
      --record_target [record target server]  record target server, default is null (no record file)
      --silent                              hide detail info, default is false

How to use in some other frontend tools