
Basically the same reporter as mocha's xunit reporter, but writes the output in a file.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Basically the same reporter as mocha's xunit reporter, but writes the output to a file.

How to use

  1. Add "xunit-file" to your package.json as a developmentDependency
  2. Run mocha with -R xunit-file or --reporter xunit-file

The xunit output file is saved to the file given in the XUNIT_FILE environment variable, the file named in config.json, or process.cwd()/xunit.xml

XUNIT_FILE=output/xunit.xml mocha -R xunit-file

Set LOG_XUNIT environment variable, if you want the output in the console and xml file.

LOG_XUNIT=true mocha -R xunit-file


This reporter is just the original xunit reporter from mocha only writing the result in an xml file.