chinglish document
android studio build , must debug, some bug in release that dobby dont work
tools lib will in app/libs/arm64-v8a : trace jni : hook ssl key log : use tcpdum to capture specified app packet, must put it and tcpdump on /data
1. frida printf help class
project/frida/frida_helper.js can help you convert object to string,using inject fastjson and gjson by xposed.
2. capture a app packet
put and tcpdump on /data
use cmd: ./ com.xxxx pacp_name , and ctrl-c stop capture , save to /sdcard/com.xxxx_pacp_name.pcap
3. hook ssl key log
inject by yourself, packet.txt will write in /sdcard/Android/com.xxxxx/packet.txt, need some sdcard permission
4. trace all java2c, c2java jni call log
put in /data/app , and chmod 777, use project/frida/analyse.js to inject it in your target app
and do this before:
write your target packet name on packet_name
write your target trace lib name on target_name
use use_file_log() can write log in file ,if not will wirte in android log
must enable frida printf help class, or undefine USE_IN_JAVA_PARSE
arm32 is bug, fix bug by yourself
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