
Small and easy to use PHP ORM that works with mysql and sqlite

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a php ORM i created while studying. it uses pdo to connect with mysql and sqlite databases.


The configuration od the database is in the file config/config.ini

  • Database driver: sqlite or mysql ==> driver = sqlite
  • Database Name ==> schema = dbName
  • if driver is mysql ==>
    • Database host ==> host = localhost
    • Database username ==> username = root
    • Database password ==> password = password
driver = sqlite
schema = db
host = localhost
username = root
password = pwd

To Generate Database

run this command on the terminal

php generateDb


Tables are represented by PHP classes that extends from Model class table name should be specified in attribute called $table.

The primary key can be specefied in attribute called $primaryKey, or without specifing it the ORM generate one by default id autoincrement integer.

Columns and constraints can be specified as comments on the class.

Associations between tables:

  • Has many: function inside it return $this->has_many(Class::class, "ForeignColumn");
  • Belongs To: function inside it return $this->belongs_to(Class::class, "ForeignColumn");
use Helloquent\Model;

class Person extends Model
    // name TEXT
    // age INTEGER
    // role TEXT

    protected static $table = "people";

    public function cars()
        return $this->has_many(Car::class, "id_person");
use Helloquent\Model;

class Car extends Model
    // matricule TEXT
    // type TEXT
    // model INTEGER
    // id_person INTEGER 
    // FOREIGN KEY(id_person) REFERENCES people(id) ON DELETE CASCADE 

    protected static $table = "cars";

    protected static $primaryKey = "matricule";

    public function person()
        return $this->belongs_to(Person::class, "id_person");

To Generate Database Tables

run this command on the terminal (this command can also create sqlite database)

php generateDbTables



$object->insert() return primary key value if its inserted otherwise it return -1


$youssef = new Person();
$youssef->name = "Youssef BAHI";
$youssef->age = 24;
$youssef->role = "ORM Creator";

if($youssef->insert() !== -1)
    echo "<br>Person added: " . json_encode($youssef->getData()) . "<br>";

$person1 = new Person();
$person1->name = "John Doe";
$person1->age = 100;
$person1->role = "Example";

echo "<br>Person added Id: " . $person1->insert() . "<br>";

$otherWayToConstructObject = new Person([
    "name" => "Dohn Joe",
    "age" => 69,
    "role" => "other Way To Construct Object"

if ($otherWayToConstructObject->insert() !== -1)
    echo "<br>Person added: " . json_encode($otherWayToConstructObject->getData()) . "<br>";


All Table Data: Table::all(); return array of Table objects


  • Table::first(1); return when primary key === 1
  • Table::first(["column", "condition", "value"]); return first from condition
  • Table::first([["column1", "condition1", "value1"],["column2", "condition2", "value2"],...]); return first from the conditions


  • Table::find(["column", "condition", "value"]); return array from condition
  • Table::find([["column1", "condition1", "value1"],["column2", "condition2", "value2"],...]); return array from the conditions
echo "<br>All people: <br>";
$all = Person::all();
foreach ($all as $value) {
    echo json_encode($value->getData()) . "<br>";

$personId1 = Person::first(1);
echo "<br>Person with id == 1: " . json_encode($personId1->getData()) . "<br>";

$personId2 = Person::first(2);
echo "<br>Person with id == 2: " . json_encode($personId2->getData()) . "<br>";

$firstOver99 = Person::first([["age", ">=", 100]]);
echo "<br>First Person with age >= 100: " . json_encode($firstOver99->getData()) . "<br>";

echo "<br>All people with age >= 69: <br>";
$peopleOver69 = Person::find(["age", ">=", 69]);
foreach ($peopleOver69 as $value) {
    echo json_encode($value->getData()) . "<br>";


$object->update() return 1 if updated otherwise it return -1

// Add new Person for test
$personToUpdate = new Person();
$personToUpdate->name = "John Doe";
$personToUpdate->age = 100;
$personToUpdate->role = "Example";

if ($personToUpdate->insert() !== -1)
    echo "<br>Person added: " . json_encode($personToUpdate->getData()) . "<br>";

$personToUpdate = Person::first($personToUpdate->id);

$personToUpdate->name = "Updated name";
$personToUpdate->age = 50;
$personToUpdate->role = "Updated Example";

if ($personToUpdate->update() !== -1)
    echo "<br>Person updated: " . json_encode($personToUpdate->getData()) . "<br>";

echo "<br>Getting updated Person : <br>";
$updatedPerson = Person::first($personToUpdate->id);

echo "Updated Person new Data: " . json_encode($updatedPerson->getData()) . "<br>";


$object->delete() return 1 if deleted otherwise it return -1

// Added new Person for test
$personToDelete = new Person();
$personToDelete->name = "John Doe";
$personToDelete->age = 100;
$personToDelete->role = "Example";

if ($personToDelete->insert() !== -1)
    echo "<br>Person added: " . json_encode($personToDelete->getData()) . "<br>";

if ($personToDelete->delete() !== -1)
    echo "<br>Person Deleted: " . json_encode($personToDelete->getData()) . "<br>";

echo "<br>Getting deleted Person : <br>";
$deletedPerson = Person::first($personToDelete->id);
try {
    echo json_encode($deletedPerson->getData()) . "<br>"; // Error because it doesn't exist anymore
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
    echo "Error: " . $th->getMessage() . "<br>";


$object->foreignObject() OR $object->foreignObject return object or array if exists otherwise it return null. (foreignObject is name of method that contains return of has_many or belongs_to)

// Added new car for test
$youssef207 = new Car();
$youssef207->matricule = substr(md5(microtime()), rand(0, 26), 5);;
$youssef207->type = "PEUGEOT";
$youssef207->model = 2003;
$youssef207->id_person = $youssef->id;

if ($youssef207->insert() !== -1)
    echo "<br>Car added: " . json_encode($youssef207->getData()) . "<br>";

// Added new car for test
$youssefGolf = new Car([
    "matricule" => substr(md5(microtime()), rand(0, 26), 5),
    "type" => "VW GOLF PLUS",
    "model" => 2006,
    "id_person" => $youssef->id

if ($youssefGolf->insert() !== -1)
    echo "<br>Car added: " . json_encode($youssefGolf->getData()) . "<br>";

// Added new car for test
$personGolf7 = new Car();
$personGolf7->matricule = substr(md5(microtime()), rand(0, 26), 5);;
$personGolf7->type = "VW GOLF 7";
$personGolf7->model = 2015;
$personGolf7->id_person = $updatedPerson->id;

if ($personGolf7->insert() !== -1)
    echo "<br>Car added: " . json_encode($personGolf7->getData()) . "<br>";

// Has Many
echo "<br>Getting Youssef Cars: (Has Many)<br>";
foreach ($youssef->cars as $value) {
    echo "Car: " . json_encode($value->getData()) . "<br>";

// Belongs To
echo "<br>Getting Person that has the Golf7: (Belongs To)<br>";
$golf7 = Car::first($personGolf7->matricule);
echo "Person: " . json_encode($golf7->person()->getData()) . "<br>";