
Pinata API class for Cloudflare Workers

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This project is in dev process and may not ready for production! Pull requests are most welcome!

Pinata API wrapper class for Cloudflare Workers



npm install --save cf-workers-pinata-api


To start, simply import the cf-workers-pinata-api and set up an instance with your Pinata API Keys. Don't know what your keys are? Check out your Account Page.

import pinataAPI from 'cf-workers-pinata-api';
const pinata = pinataAPI('yourPinataApiKey', 'yourPinataSecretApiKey');


Once you've set up your instance, using the cf-workers-pinata-api as easy as Pinata SDK. Simply call your desired function and handle the results. Full list of available Pinata API Endpoints is here https://pinata.cloud/documentation


Allows the user to change the name and keyvalues associated with content pinned to Pinata. Changes made via this endpoint only affect the metadata for the hash passed in. Metadata is specific to Pinata and does not modify the actual content stored on IPFS in any way. It is simply a convenient way of keeping track of what content you have stored.

pinata.hashMetadata(ipfsPinHash, metadata)
  • ipfsPinHash - A string for a valid IPFS Hash that you have pinned on Pinata.
  • metadata A JSON object containing the following:
    • name (optional) - A new name that Pinata will associate with this particular hash.
    • keyvalues (optional) - A JSON object with the updated keyvalues you want associated with the hash provided (see more below)
Adding or modifying keyvalues

To add or modify existing keyvalues, simply provide them in the following format for the keyvalues object:

keyvalues: {
    newKey: 'newValue', //this adds a keyvalue pair
    existingKey: 'newValue' //this modifies the value of an existing key if that key already exists
Removing keyvalues

To remove a keyvalue pair, simply provide null as the value for an existing key like so:

keyvalues: {
    existingKeyToRemove: null //this removes a keyvalue pair


If the operation is successful, you will receive back an "OK" REST 200 status.

Example Code
const metadata = {
    name: 'new custom name',
    keyvalues: {
        newKey: 'newValue',
        existingKey: 'newValue',
        existingKeyToRemove: null
const result = await pinata.hashMetadata('yourHashHere', metadata);


Send JSON to to Pinata for direct pinning to IPFS.

pinata.pinJSONToIPFS(body, options)
  • body - Valid JSON you wish to pin to IPFS
  • options (optional): A JSON object that can contain the following keyvalues:
    • metadata (optional): A JSON object with optional metadata for the hash being pinned
    • pinataOptions (optional): A JSON object with additional options for the JSON being pinned


    IpfsHash: This is the IPFS multi-hash provided back for your content,
    PinSize: This is how large (in bytes) the content you just pinned is,
    Timestamp: This is the timestamp for your content pinning (represented in ISO 8601 format)
Example Code
const body = {
    message: 'Pinatas are awesome'
const options = {
    pinataMetadata: {
        name: MyCustomName,
        keyvalues: {
            customKey: 'customValue',
            customKey2: 'customValue2'
    pinataOptions: {
        cidVersion: 0

const result = await pinata.pinJSONToIPFS(body, options);


Have Pinata unpin content that you've pinned through the service.

  • hashToUnpin - the hash of the content you wish to unpin from Pinata


If the operation is successful, you will simply receive "OK" as your result

Example Code
const result = await pinata.unpin(hashToUnpin);


Retrieve pin records for your Pinata account

  • filters (optional): An object that can consist of the following optional query parameters:
    • hashContains (optional): A string of alphanumeric characters that desires hashes must contain
    • pinStart (optional): The earliest date the content is allowed to have been pinned. Must be a valid ISO_8601 date.
    • pinEnd (optional): The earliest date the content is allowed to have been pinned. Must be a valid ISO_8601 date.
    • unpinStart (optional): The earlist date the content is allowed to have been unpinned. Must be a valid ISO_8601 date.
    • unpinEnd (optional): The latest date the content is allowed to have been unpinned. Must be a valid ISO_8601 date.
    • pinSizeMin (optional): The minimum byte size that pin record you're looking for can have
    • pinSizeMax (optional): The maximum byte size that pin record you're looking for can have
    • status (optional): Filter pins using one of the following options
      • 'all' (Records for both pinned and unpinned content will be returned)
      • 'pinned' (Only records for pinned content will be returned)
      • 'unpinned' (Only records for unpinned content will be returned)
    • pageLimit (optional): Limit the amount of results returned per page of results (default is 10, and max is 1000)
    • pageOffset (optional): Provide the record offset for records being returned. This is how you retrieve records on additional pages (default is 0)
    • metadata (optional): A JSON object that can be used to find records for content that had optional metadata included when it was added to Pinata. The metadata object is formatted as follows:
Metadata filter object formatting
    name: 'exampleName',
    keyvalues: {
        testKeyValue: {
            value: 'exampleFilterValue',
            op: 'exampleFilterOperation'
        testKeyValue2: {
            value: 'exampleFilterValue2',
            op: 'exampleFilterOperation2'

Filter explanations:

  • name (optional): If provided, any records returned must have a name that contains the string provided for the 'name'.
  • keyvalues (optional): Each keyvalue provided in this object have both a value and op
    • value (required): This is the value which will be filtered on
    • op (required): This is the filter operation that will be applied to the value that was provided. Valid op values are:
      • 'gt' (greater than the value provided)
      • 'gte' (greater than or equal to the value provided)
      • 'lt' (less than the value provided)
      • 'lte' (less than or equal to the value provided)
      • 'ne' (not equal to the value provided)
      • 'eq' (equal to the value provided)
      • 'between' (between the two values provided) - NOTE - This also requires a secondValue be provided as seen in the example below
      • 'notBetween' (not between the two values provided) - NOTE - This also requires a secondValue be provided as seen in the example below
      • 'like' (like the value provided)
      • 'notLike' (not like the value provided)
      • 'iLike' (case insensitive version of like)
      • 'notILike' (case insensitive version of notLike)
      • 'regexp' (filter the value provided based on a provided regular expression)
      • 'iRegexp' (case insensitive version of regexp)

As an example, the following filter would only find records whose name contains the letters 'invoice', have the metadata key 'company' with a value of 'exampleCompany', and have a metadata key 'total' with values between 500 and 1000:

    name: 'invoice',
    keyvalues: {
        company: {
            value: 'exampleCompany,
            op: 'eq'
        total: {
            value: 500,
            secondValue: 1000,
            op: 'between'


    count: (this is the total number of pin records that exist for the query filters you passed in),
    rows: [
            id: (the id of your pin instance record),
            ipfs_pin_hash: (the IPFS multi-hash for the content you pinned),
            size: (this is how large (in bytes) the content pinned is),
            user_id: (this is your user id for Pinata),
            date_pinned: (This is the timestamp for when this content was pinned - represented in ISO 8601 format),
            date_unpinned: (This is the timestamp for when this content was unpinned (if null, then you still have the content pinned on Pinata),
            metadata: {
                name: (this will be the name of the file originally upuloaded, or the custom name you set),
                keyvalues: {
                    exampleCustomKey: "exampleCustomValue",
                    exampleCustomKey2: "exampleCustomValue2",
            same record format as above
Example Code
const metadataFilter = {
    name: 'exampleName',
    keyvalues: {
        testKeyValue: {
            value: 'exampleFilterValue',
            op: 'exampleFilterOperation'
        testKeyValue2: {
            value: 'exampleFilterValue2',
            op: 'exampleFilterOperation2'

const filters = {
    status : 'pinned',
    pageLimit: 10,
    pageOffset: 0,
    metadata: metadataFilter
const result = await pinata.pinList(filters);