
Working on a dataset about meteorite landings provided by the NASA. The project will be divided in numerous sections. The first section is Data Wrangling.

I. Data Wrangling

1. Initial Exploratory Data Analysis and Preliminary Cleaning


Now that you have a basic ideas of the various data wrangling steps and techniques available, let's apply it to your capstone project.

The first step in completing your capstone project is to collect data. Depending on your dataset, you may apply some of the data wrangling techniques that you learned in this unit. Some of you may be using standard datasets and sources, such as Kaggle or Yelp, where minimal or no data wrangling is required. Students often find that this part of the project takes a lot longer than they estimated, which is completely normal. The more work you put in, the more you’ll learn. Data wrangling is an important tool in a data scientist’s toolbox!


Create a Google Doc (1-2 pages) describing the data wrangling steps you took to clean the dataset. Include answers to these questions in your submission:

What kind of cleaning steps did you perform?

How did you deal with missing values, if any?

Were there outliers, and how did you handle them?

The cleaning process can be found in two separate PDF files in this repository