A Peek at PHP 7 - Helped in the preparation of slides for the presentation at Devcon MRU 2016 by Pierre-Alexandre Clorichel

#A peek at PHP 7

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  • Release of PHP 7: 3 December 2015
  • PHP 7 is now powered by PHPNG (the Next Generation of Zend Engine)
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    Why PHP 7?


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  • Insert Images here to show benchmarking results for:

    • Magento

    • WordPress

    • ZF

    • Laravel

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  • Deletion of deprecated functionalities:

Deprecated extensions

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class ItWasTime{
	public function ItWasTime(){...}

new ItWasTime();
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Deprecated extensions

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  • Deletion of ASP and script tags

Deprecated extensions

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  • Switch case no longer accept multiple defaults. It should contain only one otherwise you will get a Fatal error.

  • Causes fatal error: Switch statements may contain one default clause.

Deprecated extensions

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An invalid octal now throws a fatal error.

Deprecated extensions

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Hexadecimal values are no longer recognized as numeric values. Deprecated extensions

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Deprecated extensions

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The two functions func_get_arg and func_get_args returns the value of the variable in their local context.

Deprecated extensions

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  • Scalar type hinting -- PHP 7 offer you the possibility to type hint with string, integer, float, boolean.

Activate by adding declare(strict_types=1); at the top.

Deprecated extensions

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  • Possibility to define the type of the returned value. A catchable fatal error is returned if it do not correspond.

Deprecated extensions

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Group use declaration

  • Commmon namespace declaration can be grouped.

Deprecated extensions

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  • Anonymous Class
  • Same principle as for Anonymous function.

Deprecated extensions

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Spaceship Operator

  • A new comparison operator (Combined Comparison Operator)

  • It is identical to functions strcmp() et version_compare()

  • But can compare all types as long as the type on the left is the same as on the right.

  • It can compare numbers, strings, arrays, objects, ...


  • 0 if equal
  • -1 if the value on the left is less
  • 1 if the value on the right is less

Deprecated extensions

Deprecated extensions

  1. Slide 18:

The Null Coalesce Operator

  • Returns the result of the left operation if it is not NULL else it returns the results of the right operation.

Deprecated extensions