Human Mesh Recovery from Multiple Shots

Code repository for the paper:
Human Mesh Recovery from Multiple Shots
Georgios Pavlakos, Jitendra Malik, Angjoo Kanazawa
CVPR 2022
[paper] [project page]

Installation instructions

We recommend creating a virtual environment and installing all dependencies:

python3.6 -m venv .mshot
source .mshot/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python develop

Data download and preprocessing

To download the data for AVA, you can run:

python --download --extract_midframes

This script will download the movies from the CVDF repository and extract the relevant frames from the video files.

Moreover, you will need to download some additional data that will be helpful for running the code. You can find them here. Please download and unzip the folder.

Additionally, you will need to download the SMPL model (the neutral model is used in most cases). You cam put this under mshot_data/models/smpl. Also, you will need the GMM prior. You can put the file under mshot_data/priors.

Finally, for training purposes, you will need to download the necessary datasets. The instructions are mostly common with the description here.


To run a demo of our fitting code, we recommend using the PHALP tracking method. This will output the necessary files to run our multi-shot optimization, including tracklet information and initialization. Based on the PHALP output, we provide a script that post-processes it and allows us to run the multi-shot optimization. This also needs detections from OpenPose.

python3 optimization/ --phalp_output /path/to/phalp/output \
    --phalp_demo /path/to/phalp/demo/output \
    --openpose_output /path/to/openpose/detections \
    --output_npz output/demo/phalp.npz \
    --tracklet_id 1

Given that output, we can run our optimization code.

python3 optimization/ --config optimization/fit_smpl.yaml \
    --batch_size 16 \
    --npz output/demo/phalp.npz \
    --output_folder output/demo/

To visualize results, you can run:

python3 optimization/ --config optimization/fit_smpl.yaml \
    --batch_size 1 \
    --npz output/demo/phalp.npz \
    --output_folder output/demo

Training code

To train an HMR model with the AVA data, you can run:

python regression/ --name=train_hmr --new_experiment_config=regression/configs/train_hmr.yaml --saved_experiment_dir=experiments_regression


Parts of the code are taken or adapted from the following repos:


If you find this code useful for your research or the use data generated by our method, please consider citing the following paper:

  Title          = {Human Mesh Recovery from Multiple Shots},
  Author         = {Pavlakos, Georgios and Malik, Jitendra and Kanazawa, Angjoo},
  Booktitle      = {CVPR},
  Year           = {2022}