
A collection of useful python libraries

Primary LanguagePython


YoukaiTools is a collection of python libraries currently being developed by 
Nathaniel Caldwell for personal projects. It contains useful tools for many 
kinds of applications, including games, procedural content, and data analysis.

Having been developed for personal use, YoukaiTools has some major areas in
need of improvement. Namely it needs documentation, unit testing, optimization,
Error handling, and some interface standardization.

Even until that happens it can be of some use in python projects.

Without serious documentation, the best way to figure out how to use some of
the functionality is to look in the Tests packages, which contains some
examples of usage. (Not nearly everything is covered in it right now, though).

The main packages are:

AdvMath - Collections of various useful mathematical functions such as vectors,
   matrices, rounding functions, and more.

AdvRandom - Random number generation utilities.

Circuit - A library with tools for simulation various networks/circuits,
   including neural networks and gate logic.

GameTools - Various functionality for creating games, including a game state
   manager, a keyboard manager, tile based game manager, a class for handling
   animated objects, and a 2d camera with scaling and zooming.

GeneAlg - A library for handling genetic algorithms and evolving objects.

GraphEngine - A library for general purpose graphs. Has many tools including
   automata simulation, pathfinding, maze generation, graph spanning, planar
   graph solving, and graph image rendering.

ImageTools - A pure python image processing library. Presently supports BMP
   and PNG images. Has tools for procedural image creation, (very very simple 
   and currently incomplete) font rendering, image saving and loading, and 
   quite a bit of other tools.

LineLoader - Some functions for doing some of the mundane work when loading 
   human readable files.

MapData - A library that has become somewhat obsolete because of GraphEngine,
   but it still has a few features that are of some use involving grid based
   maze data structures.

PyRange - A library for interpolation and extrapolation. Allows the creation of
   non-uniform functions, which can then be queried for values on which
   interpolation and extrapolation will be automatically done if needed.

QuadTree - A library for quadtrees.

RollingDictionary - A simple tree data structure intended for storing actual
   human language dictionary entries somewhat space efficiently.

ShiroiNeko - A simple 2d mass-spring physics engine.

StateMachine - A simple state machine library.