Reproducing map with demo data for InfrasCal
pateljayam opened this issue · 5 comments
Hello @youkely
I am trying to reproduce your results using the data under demo directory.
I wanted to create a map using your data and COLMAP. However, COLMAP recognizes each image as an independent camera. So 5camera*4Images=20Images is treated as 20Cameras by COLMAP. Were there any particular setting you used for COLMAP?
Also, if possible, can you share the steps you used to produce the map using COLMAP?
Thank you for your help.
Jayam Patel
I cannot remember clearly. But there should be an option for you to build the map with 5 cameras with 4 images each. You need to check colmap documents. You can also input the intrinsics if already have.
Great. Thanks. I got that to work.
I am currently trying it with my dataset, and I am getting an error
No complete frame sets were found
# INFO: Calibration mode InRaSU
# INFO: Using radial pose absolute estimator with unknown intrinsics.
# INFO: Initializing...
Get images from input directory
# INFO: Number of frames: 21
# INFO: Loading map... Finished.
# INFO: Setting up location recognition... Finished.
# INFO: Initialization finished!
# INFO: [Cam 1] Found 32 inlier 2D-3D correspondences from nearest image.
# INFO: [Cam 1] Estimated camera pose
0.631085 0.0175511 0.775515 1.81377
-0.0190654 0.999793 -0.00711212 -0.0257703
-0.77548 -0.0102972 0.631289 0
0 0 0 1
time: 0.594803 s
radial reproj: 1.04411
ts: 1632310645457265
# INFO: [Cam 0] Found 29 inlier 2D-3D correspondences from nearest image.
# INFO: [Cam 0] Estimated camera pose
0.998111 -0.00050489 -0.0614378 -1.99525
0.00068006 0.999996 0.00283031 -0.0324734
0.0614361 -0.00286674 0.998107 0
0 0 0 1
time: 0.606977 s
radial reproj: 0.723817
ts: 1632310645457265
# INFO: Added frame set 1 [ 0 1 ] ts = 1632310645457265
# INFO: [Cam 1] Found 80 inlier 2D-3D correspondences from nearest image.
# INFO: [Cam 1] Estimated camera pose
0.632213 0.0164663 0.77462 1.78673
-0.0250886 0.999685 -0.000774256 -0.00136869
-0.774388 -0.0189446 0.632427 0
0 0 0 1
time: 0.039799 s
radial reproj: 0.450825
ts: 1632310646456968
# INFO: [Cam 1] Found 72 inlier 2D-3D correspondences from nearest image.
# INFO: [Cam 1] Estimated camera pose
0.618845 0.0148535 0.785372 1.78887
-0.0248659 0.999691 0.000686634 0.00311722
-0.785119 -0.0199539 0.619023 0
0 0 0 1
time: 0.0419877 s
radial reproj: 0.410149
ts: 1632310647457035
# INFO: Wrote 1 frame sets to ./data/my_data/results/
# INFO: Number of framesets as input:21
# INFO: Pose estimation took 4.90053 s.
# INFO: Average radial reprojection error over all frames: 0.883964 px
# INFO: Average number of frames per set: 2
# INFO: Added frame set 0 [ 0 1 ] ts = 1632310645457265
# INFO: Added frame set 1 [ 0 1 ] ts = 1632310645457265
# ERROR: No complete frame sets were found.
# INFO: Calibration took 4.90065 s.
Do you think I should have more image frames?
Please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Also, let me know if I should open other issue.
Yes, looks like you have too limited number of frames that the camera rigs share good overlap features.
Great. Thank you for your reply.
Author suggested a change. Issue Closed!