
A module abstraction providing dependencies management

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A module abstraction providing component state management, inspire by farrow-module.


# from npm
npm install --save module-man

# from yarn
yarn add module-man

# from pnpm
pnpm install --save module-man


  • Module:
    • Any Class which extends Module
    • it's a basic unit for writing logic code
    • it should not define custom constructor parameters
    • it should not be instantiated via the new keyword manually
    • everything it needed is via this.use(DepClass)
  • Container
    • Any Class which extends Container
    • it's the entry of our code of modules
    • it should be instantiated by the new keyword
  • Provider
    • it can be created via createProvider<Type>(defaultValue)
    • it should be attached to Container via this.inject(Provider.provide(value))
    • it should be placed only once for a Container, duplicated is not allow



import { Module, useModule } from 'use-module';

type ImageInfo = {
  url: string;
  title: string;

class ImageModule extends Module {
  state = {
    images: [];

  async fetchImages () {}

export function ImageComp () {
  const imageModule = useModule(ImageModule);

  const imageEls = imageModule.state.images.map(image => {
    return <img src={image.url} alt={image.title} />

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  return (



import { Module, Container } from 'use-module';

type UserInfo = {
  id: string;
  userName: string;
  auth: 'w';

type ImageInfo = {
  ownerId: string;
  url: string;
  title: string;

class ImageModule<{ images: ImageInfo[] }> extends Module {
  state: {
    images: []

  getImagesByUserId (userId: string) {
    return this.state.images.filter(image => image.ownerId === userId);

  async addImage (image: ImageInfo) {
    if (this.user.getUser(image.ownerId)?.auth !== 'w') {
			return Promise.reject(new Error('没有权限'));
    this.setState(state => [...state, image]);
    // await api.addImage(image);

  get user () {
    return this.use(UserModule)

class UserModule<{ users: UserInfo[] }> extends Module {
  state: {
    users: []

  getImagesByUserId (userId: string) {
    return this.image.getImagesByUserId(userId);

  getUser(userId: string) {
    return this.users.find(user => user.id === userId);

  get image() {
    return this.use(ImageModule)

class RootContainer extends Container {
  user = this.user(UserModule);
  image = this.user(ImageModule);
import { useContainer, useModule } from 'use-module'
import { RootContainer, UserModule, ImageModule } from './module'

function RootComp() {
  const rootContainer = useContainer(RootContainer)

  return <RootContainer.Provide value={rootContainer}></RootContainer.Provide>

function UserComp() {
  const userModule = useModule(UserModule)
  const userEls = userModule.state.users.map((item) => {
    return <div key={item.id}>{item.userName}</div>

  return <>{userEls}</>

function ImageComp() {
  const imageModule = useModule(ImageModule)
  const imageEls = userModule.state.users.map((item) => {
    return <div key={item.id}>{item.userName}</div>

  return <>{imageEls}</>


import { Module, Container, createContext } from 'use-module';

type GlobalInfo = {
  articleId: string
  env: string

const GlobalContextInfo = createContext<GlobalInfo>()

class UserModule<{ users: UserInfo[] }> extends Module {
  get globalInfo() {
    return this.use(GlobalContextInfo)

class RootContainer extends Container {
  user = this.user(UserModule);

  globalInfo = this.provide(GlobalContextInfo, {
		articleId: '123',
		env: 'production'

With Immer

import { Module, Container } from 'use-module/immer';

class UserModule<{ users: UserInfo[] }> extends Module {
  state = {
		users: []

  deleteUser (userId: string) {
		this.setState(draft => {
      draft.users = draft.users.filter(user => user.id !== userId);


const root = new RootContainer()

root.onStateChange((newState, oldState, patches) => {})
root.user.onStateChange((newState, oldState, patches) => {})